Chapter 26 Part 2

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Niamha was about to pour her heart out to Landon, but she quickly shut her mouth. She was pretty sure she resembled a gapping fish, as she looked at Landon look at her. She went to sit up in the bed but felt the blood rush and she fell back to the sheets. She closed her eyes and took a relaxing breathe before she moved to sit up again. This time with success she moved and positioned her back against the headboard. She was well aware of Landon watching her every move but he remained silent. She turned her head back to look at him and saw that he was studying her, not in a 'How can you be my next science fair project' type of way but in a 'Way that a man studies his women when he's trying to figure her out.' She shifted her eyes to look around his bedroom again. He eyes took in the numerous pictures and trophies he had. Her eyes landed in particular on a picture of him and slightly elder women, he was kissing her cheek while she was smiling big and bright. She couldn't help the feeling of comfort and radiating happiness that gushed thru her nor the smile that seemed to highlight her face.

Landon watched her look at the picture of him and his mother. He noticed the strikingly beautiful smile that slowly broke out on her face and how it brought back the color and light in her recently dull eyes. He felt himself smile, as hers was contagious, and get up to move to the bed. He didn't know why he was he just felt the need to be closer to her. He gently laid himself in the bed next to her and watched her watch him with curious and surprised eyes. He pulled back the covers and slipped in, he grabbed Niamha's waist and pulled her possessively around the waist snuggling her deeply into his side. He felt Niamha sigh and scoot closer until they fitted together. Landon placed a tender kiss on her forehead, listening into her even breaths, before laying back and allowing sleep to overcome him.

Landon awoke to a growing tightening in his lower region he groaned and moved his hand down. His eyes shot open when he touched a head of soft curls. He looked down at the angel between his legs with her lips wrapped around him. He moaned when he felt himself at the back of her throat before she released him, she looked up at him under those thick luscious eyelashes and that undid him. He slid her up his body he shivered under her sensual touch, he positioned himself at her entrance, as she straddled him, he kissed her with passion love and everything she as magnificent as their first time. She slid down on him and began a slow and steady rhythm. It didn't take long for Landon to let out a long grown of arousal at his goddess and slight frustration at the paced she was going at just to torture him. He moved his hands to her waist and drove deep into her making her cry out in pleasure. He picked up speed as she rode him, matching each thrust perfectly, sending them both into ecstasy, like there was no tomorrow. They were moving in sync with one another before releasing each other's name as they rode their ecstasy. They lie there, entangled in one another, breathing in chaotic pants that soon relaxed and collided onto a pattern of deep melody, he sprawled on the bottom with her draped over him, limp. Landon knew she was spent because soon after he heard her soft breaths, he shivered lightly from the breaths that were crossing his neck from where her head lay in the crook of his neck. He gently placed her on the sheets and covered up his Adonis. He pulled on his discarded sweatpants and headed out the room. He looked back and smiled at her sleeping across his pillows. He turned around and shut the door. He looked at some of the things he had neglected to in the past couple of days. After cleaning up, Landon went to check on Niamha before going to the front and standing in front of his larger balcony door. His thoughts drifted from Zek, who was still safely away at his neighbors, Niamha and his future and that bastard Michael who thought to put his hands on her. His blood boiled every time he thought about and he knew that he had to do something about. He reached into his pocket and sent a text to his homeboy, from the trade.

To: Micah

From: Landon

Got a JOB for you.

He hit send and a few seconds later his phone vibrated signaling that he had a reply.

To: Landon

From: Micah


Landon quickly type what he wanted him to do before hitting send and placing the phone in his pocket. He went back to looking out his balcony doors at the neighborhood in front of him. He felt her slender arms sneak around his waist and she pressed herself into his back. Landon reached behind him and pulled her in front of him pulling her tight into his arms. He bent down and placed a kiss on the top of her head, before tipping her chin back to place a steamy kiss on her lips. When he released her lips, he moved them to the sofa where they cuddled and watched whatever was on the movie channels. They were chatting and occasionally having a comfortable silence fall upon then when Niamha looked up at Landon. She shifted so she was on her knees looking in his face. Landon picked up the remote to mute the t.v. because she looked like she needed to talk to him about something.

Niamha fidgeted a lot with the bottom of Landon's jersey she was currently wearing. She looked up at him as he watched her patiently waiting on her to speak.

"I have something to tell you."

Landon nodded his head, but didn't say anything as he wait for her to continue.

Niamha felt the tears brimming in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. "About my pregnancy."

Landon froze, his face an expressionless mask. He attempted to still his raging insides as he held on to the desperate grasps of hope floating around. He gave her a stiff nod. As he noticed the tears fall from her eyes. He died inside from not being able to reach out and comfort her like she so badly needed but he knew that he had to let her deal with this on her own. He watched her emotions play across her face. He was reading her like an open diary, and felt like every entry was about him. He noticed that she had stilled herself.

"The baby was.." she took a big gulp and was about to admit the one thing that could affect their future together. As she moved her eyes to his and opened her mouth to speak, there was frantic banging at the door. She sighed in slight agitation and relief when Landon got up to go and answer the door. She sat back on the couch and laid her head in her hands. She shot up when she heard Landon shouting at whoever was at the door.


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