Chapter 28

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Niamha rolled over and groaned as the light poured thru her open curtains and across her face. She buried herself under the covers and snuggled deeper into her bed. She stretched her legs slightly hoping to collide with another warm body that was supposed to be occupying the bed with her. She withdrew her legs and curled into herself as she was meet with the cool sheets. She rolled over and with a final groan pulled herself up out the bed and headed into the bathroom. She passed by the mirror and took a double back, and gasped in horror at the sight before her. She looked back into her reflection, and saw the dark streaked mascara running down her cheeks, her eyes were red and slightly swollen, her nose was irritated and she looked like Rudolph, her cheeks were puffed, her hair was going all kinds of directions; she made Medusa look like a goddess. She couldn’t even stand the sight of herself let alone figure out how anyone that would see her now could stand the sight of her. She shook her head and proceeded to take a shower. After she got out of the shower she walked over to her dresser and rubbed on her honey butter lotion and put on some cheer shorts with a simple purple hoodie with LOVE spray painted across in silver. She grabbed her purple house uggs and slipped them one before she walked downstairs; she was headed to the kitchen, but heard the t.v. blaring coming from the living room. She headed in that direction and as she rounder the corner she couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped from the sight in front of her. She had to blink twice just to make sure that that she was seeing was real – Landon sitting at Avannah’s little table having a tea party with her and her other stuffed animals, he had a fluffy pink boaha wrapped around his neck and a sparkly head band on his head. She covered her mouth and stifled the giggles she had. She reached in her pocket and pulled out her iPhone and took pictures before she walked into the room and stood behind him. He still hadn’t noticed her and when she spoke, she saw him go slightly rigid.

“You know,” she started before she moved to touch the boaha, “pink is sooooooo your color.” She smiled at him when he finally made eye contact with her and sat down in a chair that was on his right.

Landon watched Niamha as she sat down at the table and asked Avannah to pour her some tea. He chuckled a little as Avannah and Niamha had a conversation. He sat back and tried to listen out for any movement from Zek upstairs. He didn’t have any intention of being caught in the predicament he was in, when he tired to stop Avannah from waking up Niamha this morning. He had reluctantly agreed to play with her so she wouldn’t wake anyone up. He checked on Zek, who was lying in a pile of blankets on a sofa in Avannah’s room, he was surprised that she didn’t wake him up before coming to Niamha’s room. Anyways he allowed her to drag him downstairs where she told her what she wanted to play. He went along with it and answered all the questions she threw his way. He actually found this little girl to be hella funny and started to relax and get into the play time. He was sipping out of the little cup with his pinkie up when Niamha rolled up behind him. He didn’t want her to catch him like this; he didn’t want her to think of him as any less of a man. He didn’t say anything as he watched her sit down and start playing with Avannah. Landon got over his initial shock and finished playing along with Avannah and Niamha. Landon turned around when he heard little feet patterning down the hallway and the soft voice of his son calling his name.

“Papa??” he saw Zek round the corner to the living room and stood at the entrance. Landon motioned for him to come closer, and Zek walked towards him lifting his arms up so he could be picked up. Landon reached over and picked Zek up and sat him in his lap. He kissed his forehead and they four of them continued to play well into the afternoon.

Niamha got up from the couch after the four of them finished eating a late afternoon lunch. She went into her room and threw herself down on the bed. She covered her eyes with her arm and felt the bed dip next to her. She didn’t have to look to know who it was because she could feel the familiar warmth and touch of his finger tips playing with the skin on her thighs, creating sparks and tingles moving its way towards her sensitive place. His hands crawled their way up her body and gripped her wrist pulling them from over her eyes. He looked at her and waited for her to open her eyes to look at him. He sat up and leaned on his forearm before placing sweet innocent kisses all over her face making little giggles escape from her. He slowly reached her lips and added pressure. It was a sweet kiss, a kiss that poured all his love that he had for her into her. She just relished in the depth of the kiss as he leaned back and laid his forehead against hers. She slowly opened her eyes and looked into his forest green eyes and felt a piece of her soul being filled with the love she knew that he could offer her. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as Landon leaned into her hand. She sat up and placed one final kiss on his lips before laying back on the bed.

“Thank you.” Niamha whispered.

“Always.” Landon simply stated.

They stayed there looking at one another before Niamha sighed and got off the bed. She headed into her closet and switched out of her shorts and into some faded skinny jeans and all black Jordan 11s.

“Ready to head to the hospital?”

Landon pulled them into the parking lot and dropped Niamha and the kids off at the front entrance so he could go find somewhere to park. As he walked into the building he noticed that it was hardly anyone there, but he only assumed that was because it was New Years Eve and they weren’t seeing much action. Landon rounded the corner and headed down the hallway leading to Justine’s room. When he got to the door, he stopped and listened to the conversation that Tate was having with Niamha as they sat and watched Justine.

“How’s Ashton?” She asked, holding the little boy that Justine had given birth to before everything went wrong.

“He’s fine.” Tate said with admiration and sadness as he looked at his son then over at his wife as she lie in the bed with tubes coming out of her. He looked back over at his sister and watched as she looked over at the little baby Zek with such love and affection, as if he was her own. He couldn’t help but realize that his little sister was growing up and there was nothing he could do about it.

“What’s with you and this Landon fellow?” Tate asked never taking his off his sister’s face. He watched as her face softened and a smile broke out as she took one last look at Zek and then turned her attention back to her brother and baby Ashton.

“I love him. He completes me. He is my soul mate. I can’t picture a future without him.” She replied looking Tate straight in his eyes so he could see that she meant every word she said. Tate studied his sister and saw nothing that made her actions speak different from what she just said. Tate looked over at Justine and then back to Niamha and he realized that this dude isn’t going anywhere from his sisters life for a long time, so he might as well get used to the idea of having him and his son in their lives. He looked Niamha in her eyes before sighing.

“Make sure I don’t have to come after him.”

Niamha laughed and nodded her head.

“Yes, sir.” She gave Tate a mock salute and saw him crack his first genuine smile since Justine landed in the hospital. Niamha saw Landon sitting outside of the room and motioned for him to come in. The three of them plus Avannah and Zek all sat around talking and joking around well into the night, around 10 the kids feel asleep and they placed them on a cot that they had asked to have brought in while a nurse came in to take Ashton back to the nursery. Tate returned to the room and saw Niamha and Landon cuddled up on the sofa, sleeping. He walked over to them and placed a blanket over them before heading to a chair that was sitting next to the bed. He sat down and grabbed her hand before he rested it against his cheek. He sighed and closed his eyes and allowed sleep to overcome him.


Tate woke up to someone brushing their hands lightly across his face. He slowly peeled his eyes open and looked around until his eyes connected with the grayish-blue of his wife.

Tate was shocked to see his wife looking back at him with a lovely smile on her face. He took her hand and placed it to his lips before the tears began to pour down his face. He felt her other hand come over and stroke his cheek and he looked up at her brought his head closer to hers before he placed a kiss on her lips.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” She said very hoarsely.

He leaned over and pressed feather like kisses on her lips, before resting his forehead against hers.

“Happy New Years Baby.” Tate said before reclaiming Justine’s lips with his own. 

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