Chapter 30 Part 3

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Niamha arose and stifled any noise she wanted to make due to the immense pain that her body was in. She looked around and realized that she was engulfed in complete darkness. She went to stretch and realized that she was no longer cuffed to the metal pole. He hands ran free down her body and she realized that she was clad in a dirty ripped large white t-shirt that had seen better days. Niamha looked around the cold and gloomy cell with much discomfort ad placed her hands on the wall to steady herself and rise up on her shaky legs and move over to where she remembered the light being. She grabbed onto the pole of the light and her hand roamed upwards in search of the switch. Once she found it she clicked it and stepped back. She looked around the area that the light did illuminate and saw that there was a tray of food sitting in the chair that HE was sitting in earlier. She hadn’t realized she hadn’t eaten in a day until her stomach unmistakeningly grumbled as the smell of the food finally wafted towards her nose and made her mouth water. She looked at the food and thought about not eating but she knew things would be worse if – she stopped herself, not IF but WHEN, Landon found her and she couldn’t make the clean escape that they needed to make. She reached down and picked up the fresh roll and bit into it closing her eyes to savor the melted butter taste that slid down the back of her throat. She finished off the roll and everything else that was on the tray before she moved to go and sit back down by the pole. Niamha let out a breath and came upon the lonesomeness of being locked away in a cell awaiting either her death or her rescue. She looked at her hand, feeling grateful that he hadn’t removed the ring and also wondering how it could be that such a gift to the world could be used for evil intentions. She grew tired, and felt a heaviness that once wasn’t upon her, rain down and swallow her.


She pounded down the steps two at a time. The nighttime chill seeping thru the thin material of her jacket. She began to head down the street away from the run down two toned houses and towards the corner store that was a few blocks over. She pulled her jacket up around her and picked up her pace as the wind kicked up sending her hair flying around her. She wasn’t aware of the two lone figures that were lurking in the darkness following her every move. She did however feel a chill spread down her spine and it wasn’t because of the cold. She looked behind her whipping her head frantically from side to side and double stepping her pace. She rounded the next corner and took off like her life depended on it. She jumped a fence, ran thru two back yards, detouring to avoid a viciously barking dog. With her destination in sight she moved around and got back on the main street. She continued until she was standing in front of the doors to a supreme run down shop with bordered up windows and such. She headed around the back and into the door quickly shutting it and locking it in her haste to rid herself of the eyes that had followed her every move.

The two anonymous figures back up slowly making sure to stay hidden in the shadows. The bulkier of the two reached into his pocket and pulled out a phone. He placed it to his ear and waited for a voice on the other line to pick up. When they did he spoke in precise directions.

“Tell boss we got her.”


Landon threw stuff around the office effectively breaking any and everything in sight. He had everyone outside the room on alert as they listened to the destruction that was Landon. He couldn’t believe he wasn’t going to be able to get to her in time and it was all because of his careless mistake. He threw himself in the chair, the only thing that didn’t get destroyed during his rage filled haze. He leaned his head into his hands as they rested on his knees and cried his silent tears of rage. He didn’t lift his head at the silent knock on the door. He didn’t lift his head when they entered. He didn’t life his head when they just stood in his presence before speaking. But he did lift his head when he heard the words that brought air back into his lungs.

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