The Doctor Is In

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She finds the Graveyard's gates wide open, and, for a moment, this discourages her. What if there are people inside, since it's such a busy day? She doesn't feel comfortable with the idea of company here. This is where she thinks and goes to be alone - it wouldn't be the same if there are other people about. She turns around in defeat and starts to leave, until a voice halts her in her tracks.


Sally feels a thump in her chest. She turns around so fast she nearly falls over. She supports herself on a nearby wall and listens carefully. She wanders through the gates in an attempt to find the source of the wonderful noise. She sees a skeleton on top of the Spiral Hill - his arms outstretched and his gaze at the sky.

She is about to call his name until he starts to sing. His voice is so smooth, wonderfully pitched, and surprisingly calm. It sends chills down her spine. She hasn't ever heard him like this before. She's too absorbed in the sounds to make out what he's saying, but her jaw goes agape when his tone increases. She stands in the middle of the trail and watches him in amazement. He doesn't seem to be aware of her presence. Instead, he turns to the ghost dog beside him. Zero was watching him as well, though with a front seat compared to Sally.

"What do you think, boy?"


"You're right." Jack places a thoughtful finger to his jaw. "I might have held that last note a little too long."

He turns around until he suddenly sees her. She'd been inching closer to the hill but stops once he turns around. He jumps in surprise before quickly patting his suit down and giving her a flustered smile. It almost seems like he's embarrassed. Adorable, she observes.

"Oh! I didn't see you there. I wasn't expecting..."

The skeleton clears his throat, making his way down the hill. He steps over the gate with ease to meet her at the bottom. She shyly looks away, playing with her hair. Zero looks at them both with a smile before deciding to leave them alone, hovering back to his grave quietly.

"I should have told you I was here." Her cheeks are hot. "I hope I didn't scare you."

He laughs. "You caught me by surprise, is all."

She smiles before peeking around his figure. Most of the pumpkins that were once below the Spiral Hill are now gone. She assumes they're the ones in the Town that everyone's carving. The graveyard looks a little empty without them. He waves his hand in front of her to get her attention again.

"Did you need something? I'm sorry if you checked my home. I've been here all day."


"I often come here to get my mind off things. To settle my thoughts."

She looks around the graveyard, noticing how quiet it is without his voice. From here, you can't even hear the commotion at the town. She turns back to the skeleton with a confident smile. "-I came here to get my mind off of some things as well..."

"I don't want to intrude. If you want me to leave, I can-"

She waves her hands, frantic at the suggestion he'd leave. That's the opposite of what she wants! "No, no, you can stay here! I didn't mean to disturb you - I was just going to sit on the Spiral Hill."

"Well, then. Mind if I join you?"

She nods, more than delighted at the idea. She climbs the hill and cautiously steps over the gate. She doesn't want to catch a seam, nor does she want the humiliation that would come after. She lets out a pleased noise when she avoids it and sits down on her knees, gazing at the empty patch below. She hears his footsteps come to her side before he sits down beside her, with a generous gap between them.

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