Connecting the Dots

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"Fellas! Come look an' see!"

The two members of the Halloween Town Band quickly rush over to their remaining accordion player by the Graveyard's gate. They press themselves against the bars as their eyes naturally come over to the Spiral Hill, where they find two small figures kissing. Different noises emerge from their mouths all at once, but before they can attract any attention, they flip over to conceal themselves behind a wall. In this moment, they look at each other in disbelief.

Could it be? Have Jack Skellington and Sally finally...become a couple? After all of this time waiting, watching them together, relying on this bet the band has engaged for such a long time...has it finally been proven true? In utter disbelief, Jimmy brings himself to look at the scene again, only to see the two embracing each other closely. He decides this is all he needs to see and turns to his fellow musicians in defeat.

"I guess you guys were right...They sure look happy together."

"But how do we know who confessed first?" John asks.

"Hey, thas' right!" James snaps his fingers. "Jimmy, ya' owe us 20 each, I expect ya' to pay up ta'morrow, but, an' I will have ta' figure out which one o' us won, John. Deal?"

"Deal." He narrows his eyes in thought. "Let's see, 's been a year or two, so that puts me at 35 and James at 40."

"Sure hope ya' have all those coins, bud!" He slaps him on the back roughly. "'Cause I'm certain Bone Daddy fessed up first...I knew he'd settle down eventually!"

"But what if Rag Doll did? She seemed so quiet an' always hovered over him...looked to me like she'd let the black cat out of the bag first."

"Doesn't matter who confessed. I jus' lost 20 coins." Jimmy admits sadly, leading the three of them away from the gates. "'Sides, how are you guys going to know who told who first? 'S not like we were there."

"Mmph...thas' th' hard part." James rubs his chin in thought. "We'll have ta' ask Bone Daddy. I'm sure, with some sweet talkin', he'll tell us, no problem!"

"Seems a little personal." John points out. "And a little selfish jus' to know for a bet."

"Since when has Jack ever been 'fended by us? He wasn't 'fraid ta' tell us 'bout Halloween, was he?"

"Yeah, but...isn't this his gal?"

"Give it some time. We'll wait 'til we have th' right opportunity, you'll see."


Waiting for the right opportunity means waiting for a time the Band will be able to talk to Jack in private. Which, in itself, is more of an occasional thing if they aren't hanging around close to his mansion. But they never get much business there, and seeing as they are due for a bet, they are forced to shift around as the day goes on. Which results in them seeing the Pumpkin King, but unfortunately, not getting any chance to speak with him.

They are watching him purchase some things one day whilst performing in the town's outlet. As nearly everyone does when they see Jack in public, the Band naturally takes a break to watch him from the corners of their eyes. They all note that he seems more out-and-about lately, greeting and talking to people with more enthusiasm than normal. Even when they witness some of the ghouls flirting with him, Jack politely excuses himself right away. It was subtle differences like these that they picked up on, knowing the skeleton for many years.

"He seems happier," Jimmy whispers to them while discreetly watching as he buys a loaf of bread. "He always smiles, but this one looks so...genuine."

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