Move In With Me?

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Sally's life feels absolutely miserable.

After that horrendous evening, she has experienced nothing but pain and suffering. It felt like something was ripped out of her when she saw Jack leave that day, and its absence has left a cold feeling in her leaves. Like she is missing something crucially important to her functioning. She feels lonely and miserable, just like she was before she met the man of her screams. And now she remembers why she wanted so badly to leave this life - all of it is absolutely unbearable.

She spent the next two days after the incident sobbing to her heart's content. She couldn't think or do much of anything - not with Igor lingering behind her, constantly watching her in her room. She hasn't had a moment's worth of privacy, as the assistant would follow her around the tower and constantly block the exits if she was in the near proximity of them. Sally has begged countless of times for him to let her go, to let her escape and see Jack again, but no matter how many times she's bribed him with bone biscuits, Igor was strict to stick with Dr. Finklestein's orders. The man would even stay awake the whole night while she was left sleeping.

She is depressed. She hasn't felt happy ever since she saw Jack, and she misses him dearly. She knows, deep inside, that he's missing her, too. The most the ragdoll has seen of the skeleton is his small silhouette that rarely comes in his window from his observatory. She is only allowed to look through hers from a certain distance, but her eyes could make out Jack's figure, and they would never leave it until she couldn't see it again. In those moments, she can feel the hope and happiness surface in her leaves - but they are ultimately temporary, as the moment those lights would go off, she feels cold again.

She is sitting on her bed now, her head in her hand looking sorrowfully at the ground, slowly kicking her dangling legs. Igor is across from her watching her intently with his one working eye. He is close to her closed door for obvious reasons. Not that he should be concerned of her leaving - the last thing Sally wants to do is to see the Doctor's face. She'd rather be trapped up in her room than be around a man who crushed her hopes and dreams right before her eyes.

"Funny how he wants to keep me here so badly when he rarely leaves that lab of his..." She mutters to herself.

Her eyes come up to the shorter, hunchbacked man, who remains quiet. He's rarely spoken to her, except the times where he'd inform her of the Doctor's orders or warn her not to leave. It seems that even Igor has changed into an emotionless robot, helping imprison her from the outside world...oh, what did she ever do to do deserve this?

She thinks of everything that has happened, and remembers all the reasons why she can't be happy. This sadness overcomes her as she is swept into tears again, holding her hands over her eyes and attempting to cover her sobs through her fingers. Igor watches from the side, his posture loosening after witnessing her crying for what has to be the fifteenth time today. She brings her head into her pillow, muffling her cries so she won't be shouted at again for making a ruckus.


Dr. Finklestein is also not feeling well.

This is strange to him, experiencing such negative emotions at what has to be a very positive moment in his death. He has finally finished something he has been frivolously working on for weeks! The end result came out better than he ever anticipated, and he was thrilled to show off his new creation. But then came the realization of what position he is in - he cannot show his King of his proud work, and he can't brag of his newly-improved ragdoll to Sally...that would only stir more trouble from the girl, and that was the last thing he wanted!

Yet, he can't help but recognize the unfathomable sadness in him. He got little pleasure out of his abrupt session with Jack Skellington, as much as he believes otherwise. He still can't get this sour taste out of his mouth, and every time his mind comes back to the boy, he feels very...guilty. This feeling is new to him considering he previously thought nothing but positive of the man before Sally ever came into either of their deaths. Ever since then, things between them just became more and more...troubled. And as much as he'd like to continue blaming this on his creation, Finklestein understands that a part of it leaves himself to blame.

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