Returning Her Basket

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She keeps running until she finds a generous shadow cast from one of the walls. She ducks into it and hides, trembling and holding herself together while she listens to Finklestein's voice in the distance. His wheelchair buzzes closer in her direction. She squeaks when he comes into view. He's still wearing a scoff, his lips quivering from the position as if he's held it for hours. He looks around angrily but winces. The bare sunlight must be bothering him. He never leaves the tower, so the lighting must be awfully hard to adjust to. And it's a good thing, because if he looked any closer, he'd have found her only a foot away from him. He finally turns his wheelchair around and disappears out of view, leaving her to sit there in utter silence until the beating stops sounding in her ears.

"Now I'll be grounded even longer..." She groans. Why did she have to run!? She could've let him take her and save all the effort. That's where she is going to end up, anyway!

She hears footsteps coming in her direction. Not just one pair, but many. She curiously looks from her spot and finds the Halloween Town band looking around while fumbling with their instruments. They scan every part of the floors and walls. She doesn't move from her position. Eventually, John's eyes find hers in the dark, and he points in her direction while resting his other hand on his chest.

"There she is, fellas!"

The members follow his finger and come rushing over. She finds no need in hiding anymore as she surfaces from the dark. She keeps her head down in shame, ready for the judgement of her friends. For them to bring her back to Dr. Finklestein...

"Dolly!" James exclaims. "Are ya' alright?"

She frowns but nods her head regardless. "I am. Were you looking for me?"

"Finklestein." Jimmy explains as if it's obvious. "He's been looking for you. Said something about locking you up for life once he finds you."

"We just wanted ta' make sure yer' okay." James clarifies.

She looks at them worriedly. "You aren't going to tell him I'm out here, are you?"

The three of them shake their heads, making her sigh in relief. For a moment, she was worried that they're going to actually blab about her whereabouts. They come forward to lay assuring hands on her shoulder. Despite the feel of their cold, bony hands...she can't help smiling at their company.

"We promise we won't tell. N' anyone who does will be hearing from us," James says. "Don't worry."

"I don't know how to thank you...really, I appreciate it."

"No need. Yer' our friend, n' it's th' least we can do." He assures.

Sally tenses hearing those words, remembering the time Jack said them. It causes her to smile. The four of them converse as they bring her back to their usual spot in the Outskirts. She catches up with them in this time - asking about their routines and more of themselves. Getting to know them is the least she can do, as thanks for helping her out.

It turns out the three of them are homeless, and describe themselves as "starving artists". They survive off what monsters tip them, usually getting quite a sum from Jack. They describe the things the skeleton does for them, like offering shelter from the rain and giving them extra blankets when the nights are cold. All this talk raises her admiration for her friend, reminding her of such a wonderful person he is. She knew he's friends with the band, but hearing how much he does for them reminds her of what he's done for her as well.

She eventually dismisses herself in fear of overstaying her welcome. She thanks them one last time before wandering around, keeping an eye out for the Doctor. She doesn't know where to go exactly. She decides to follow the path to wherever it may lead, finding a lot of wonderful sights in the Outskirts while she's at it. There is a hidden garden full of dead trees and plants somewhere, and finds future potential hiding spots if she ever needs them again.

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