Her Gift From the Outside

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Sally feels secure as she sticks to Jack's side, leaving a few inches of space between them. She remembers what he said about keeping their relationship a "secret" and hopes their closeness doesn't arouse any suspicions. But then she remembers how his admirers will touch him, and the jealousy that twinges in her leaves urges her closer. The skeleton doesn't seem to mind, even going as to hold her arm and ensure she isn't swept away in the nearby crowds. Anytime she begins to trip, the skeleton's hand always catches her in time. She grows cold every time he has to pull away, but then he gives her a smile that instantly makes everything better.

As for her new surroundings, it's not as big as the Town Square she knows, but it is a lot more spacious. It accommodates the crowds of monsters, children, and ghosts who carry on their way - the sidewalks serving only a portion of them as they walk on the streets as well. Everyone seems to be out today, as Sally can barely make sight of the buildings they'd pass by over their heads. But she listens to Jack's voice over all of the commotion, instantaneously warmed at the sound. He points to the places they pass and to the ones they're soon to approach, managing to list everything they'd walk by in a matter of seconds.

"-And that is Halloween Town's finest bistro! Their spookghetti and eyeballs is to die for, if you get what I mean." She laughs. "-That building in the corner is the library; I'll take you sometime. The place right behind that is a small barber shop...not that I've been there, but I've heard Nelson does a fantastic job! Over on the right is a rather petite salon - I think you'd like it there."

His explanations are easy to follow, and makes her feel like she's right at home. That she can do anything she wants here, just like everyone else, because the Doctor isn't here to hold her back from experiencing the outside world. She actually feels...alive. And as Jack and Sally gaze at each other, they both share a mutual feeling of freedom.

"Hey, Jack!" "Hello, Pumpkin King!" "Jack's out today!" "Jack, Jack, over here!"

Their gaze is torn by the voices sounding from around them. People flock over to the skeleton, arms naturally outstretched and their faces brightening at the sight of him. He turns to give the ragdoll an apologetic smile as he's surrounded, but even when she's pushed to the side, Sally doesn't feel empty anymore. She doesn't feel the same numbness in her leaves as she did when the witches perched themselves on Jack. No, her heart is already filled with her desire, and the only thing keeping her grounded right now is her faith.

And he doesn't let her down, as he calmly pushes away the hands reaching for him and slowly edges back to his date. "-Thank you! It's very nice to see you all! But if you can excuse me, I'm afraid I'm busy at this moment, you see..."

She sighs in relief as he comes back to her side, letting him direct her away from the crowds. Even if he has his many followers and admirers on his tail, Jack still feels like freest man in the world. And how ironic, it seems - that the only time he can truly be unconfined is when he is with Sally. As he spends the rest of the afternoon with her, showing her some of the many places he'd like to take her and talking endlessly about things, he feels the truest to himself in a long time.


Hours pass until Jack realizes he has lost track of time. He's been swept up in this date that he's forgotten all about his promise to the Doctor. He's enjoying himself immensely ever since the beginning, from helping with her stitches to stopping at some of the eateries and enjoying a few refined desserts with her(all of which were his treat). But as every good afternoon, it eventually has to come to an end - and the skeleton feels disappointed as he starts on their route back to Finklestein's place, somehow wishing that time could slow just for another hour.

Sally, meanwhile, is in the prime of her life. All of these places he brought her to - they were things she could only dream of! At one point on their date, Jack took them both out to lunch and insisted she'd try something called a "red velvet cake". It was delicious, and the rest of their afternoon consisted of him showing her new places and getting her familiar with more of the town. She couldn't have asked more for a date - it exceeded everything she's ever dreamed about.

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