An Unexpected Conflict

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Jack Skellington paces around in his observatory, one hand resting on his skull and the other on the side of his hip. He walks around contemplatively as he mumbles under his breath. Zero watches from his doggy bed below, his small head tracing over the skeleton as he moves himself about the room.

How am I going to do this? He thinks to himself. Telling the whole town I'm courting someone...This isn't as simple as I thought...

He can already hear all of the gossip and judgements from his fans and admirers; attempts to slander Sally's name solely because she has the undead heart of the Pumpkin King. He won't tolerate such misdemeanors, but even he knows that some things are out of his control...It is his own responsibility to keep her safe and ensure a better life for her. Even if this is her decision, he wants to be the one to deliver the message as best as he can.

He hopes everyone can understand - to see how sweet Sally truly is and grow to like her. They may not ever know of everything she's done for him, but he has the greatest feeling she'll be welcome with open arms. Maybe not from everyone, but a skeleton man can hope...If she managed to get on good sides with the Band and make a few more friends in town, he sees no reason she won't make more from this outcome. She seemed to get along with his own friends back in town, after all!

Another thought crosses his skull. Jack grinds his teeth and shuts his eye sockets momentarily. That's right...I still have to tell Doctor Finklestein. How will I even accomplish that? I may as well be asking for a second death-


The sound of his telephone ringing from downstairs interrupts him. He quickly descends down the stairs and darts into the hallway, taking a sharp turn into his den and picking up the receiver. He hates getting calls like this in the midst of his thinking time, but it may be from the Mayor or someone important, and he doesn't want anything to appear out of the usual. He holds the receiver near his skull and does his best to sound as enthusiastic as possible.

"Greetings! Pumpkin King residence, Jack speaking."

"My boy! I have something horrible to ask of you." He stiffens hearing the Doctor's voice over the line. "I need some help with my new project. You see, I need assistance creating some...fluids. I know how much you enjoy our scientific sessions!"

"It has been awhile, hasn't it? I'll be more than happy to assist you, Doctor. When would you like my help?"

"I need this done as soon as possible! Come over when you can tomorrow, and bring nothing but your knowledge of science!"

"I'll be there first thing in the morning."

He hangs up the phone and stares at the floor wordlessly. Here he was, thinking he'd have to come up with some sort of excuse to visit the Doctor's tower. He was wondering how to make it the least bit of questionable, but now he doesn't have to worry! The Doctor invited him over, no strings attached. He'll have to take advantage of his time over there and eventually inform him of the news. This seems like the most opportune time as well - he has never seen the Doctor in a bad mood while he is working with science...

This might be easier than I thought... He grins to himself, walking over to his library in search for his book on fluid dynamics.


The Pumpkin King sticks to his word and leaves for the Doctor's first thing the next morning, having pushed back the rest of his schedule to account for this visit. On the way over, he can't help but remember Sally once mentioning Finklestein's project. How he refused to tell her what it is, considering it something 'better'. Even he can't help but hum in thought, wondering just what it is he's working on this time. He knows of many things the man hopes to improve on, but can't put his finger on what it is exactly.

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