Sharing Tea

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It's safe to say she's confused to wake up back in Finkestein's Tower. She distinctly remembers laying by the graves and resting there for the night. Sally recalls a few strange noises, but not moving. But she isn't going to deny a bed is much better than the ground....

At first, she thinks Finklestein brought her back. But his wheelchair is too problematic to have him carry someone that far. And it couldn't be Igor because his arms are too short to support her. She knows for a fact that she doesn't sleepwalk, so that's out of the question.

The ragdoll climbs out of bed scratching at her yarn hair trying to think of what exactly happened. She sees a small note attached to her door. She hastily grabs it thinking the Doctor left her a written assignment this morning. She realizes that's not the case. The writing on it is beautiful. She thinks it's in cursive before realizing they're jagged lines.

Holding it in her hand, Sally reads:

"Saw you sleeping in the Graveyard & brought you back. The thorns prick you at night; come and get me if you ever need a place to sleep.


It doesn't take a genius to realize Jack Skellington brought her back. She coos and holds the note to her chest. He's such a gentleman to bring her back home. Everything starts to click. He carried her. It was a shame she hadn't been awake when he did. She would've enjoyed his touch if she knew she was in his arms. Those long, strong arms of his...and that wonderful pumpkin scent....Not to mention his gentle touch and large hands that protect her from the cold...

She tiptoes to the end of her room and looks out the door cautiously. The Tower is silent. Seeing that it's early in the morning, it isn't anything out of the usual. She looks around before stepping into the hallways and making her way down. She keeps an ear open for any sounds. The odds are in her favor today. She reaches the Doctor's room and sets the side of her head on the door. She can hear him snoring and quietly sighs in relief. He's still asleep. That gives her some time to make a hearty breakfast to make it up to him. For drugging him and sneaking off so she can leave for Halloween...

Praying this will work, Sally leaves for the kitchen and starts preparing Finklestein's meal.


"Mornin', Jack!"

"Good morning, Jack!"

"Hey, Jack, want to see my new toy?"

Jack Skellington grins and waves to his citizens. He stops to look at the Corpse Kid's toy and amuses him. He's quick to get back on his feet and sticks to the path leading to the Town Hall. He's going to meet with the Mayor to start their plans for the next year. The long, long process that awaits him...For a moment, his stitched smile almost falls. He's quick to put it back on when the witches come and greet him. A little too close for his comfort, but he's polite with them, anyway. They bid him goodbye as the skeleton turns a corner and spots the stairs leading to the Town Hall. He's just about to step in their direction until a voice stops him.

"Bone Daddy!"

Recognizing who it is already, Jack spins on his heel and smiles. He finds Halloween Town's band hanging around the plaza. They look like they're on a break, judging by the cups held in their hands and the instruments leaning on the walls. The skeleton walks over to them and gives the three a friendly greeting.

"Horrible morning, fellas. How's it going?"

"Pretty bad." Their leader responds. "I'm guessin' Halloween was a success?"

"One of the many!" He grins. "I still think you three should join some year, besides giving us music."

"Eh, it's a hit n' miss." John waves it off. "Not all of us can be scary like you."

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