Her First Halloween

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The Mayor's voice comes through the kitchen window. Sally finds his hearse traveling down the hills. Halloween is here already? She's been trying to get on the Doctor's good side for so long that she completely forgot about it! He's been easier on her now that she's acted kind, so her job is nearly done. All that's left is to test her limits. She glances out the kitchen and sees him passing by her direction.

"Doctor!" She calls.

She rushes out of the room. He stops what he's doing and turns to face her. Nothing looks different about his features. It's hard to tell whether he's in a good or bad mood. While she observes his face, Finklestein taps his finger on his cheek.

"I hope this isn't going to be about that announcement outside?"

Her lips press into a thin line. She's been caught already. "Actually-"

"-Then I don't want to hear it." He waves his hand in the air. "Get me my dinner, Sally. I'm rather famished tonight."

He doesn't wait for her response before leaving back to the lab. She stands there dumbfounded. Here she was thinking he'd understand! If he's going to be like this, then there's no other choice. She walks back into the kitchen, opening the cabinet and reluctantly pulling out the bottle filled with deadly nightshade.

She takes one last glance before dumping its contents into the soup.


Halloween Town is darker than she remembers.

After she spikes the Doctor's dinner and covers him with a blanket, she wanders aimlessly into the streets. Everything appears to be nearly pitch-black, the smallest of the noises sounding deafening. The wind brushing along her clothed skin sends unpleasant goosebumps up her arms. Growing uneasy, she places a tired hand on the wall. It feels like she's been wandering for hours. She doesn't recognize the area at all. She tries to backtrack and recollect the way she went. This is awful...getting lost in the town she ever so deeply wants to be apart of...

She hears whispering behind her, the words incomprehensible. She turns around but finds no one there. The sound comes again and she frantically turns in their direction. There's still no one in sight. A cold feeling climbs the back of her dress, like a gust of wind is going through her.

"Who's there!?" She demands.

When she's met with silence, Sally continues, her pace faster with an occasional glance behind her shoulder. She can't tell what are shadows and what are walls. Every sewer gate she passes makes a gargling noise. There's an unsteady beating in her chest as her eyes dart back and forth. Her hair lifts from the back of her dress, the cold draft causing her to squeak in surprise. Before she can turn around, a hand grips her hair steadily. She attempts to fight back before feeling the grip loosen as the presence leaves. When she turns around, she hears an eerie voice whisper into her ear.

"I am the wind blowing through your hair.."

She screams. She scrambles to her feet, running as fast as she can. She turns her head to see if anyone is following her, but then she comes into contact with something hard. She's sent to the ground as her back lands harshly on the floor. She looks up hazily and finds a blurry sight of red above her.


She blinks once or twice, steadying her vision. A grotesque face looks down at her. She lets out a yelp and crawls backwards. The figure offers her a hand but she smacks it before it can touch her. James, the one who offered, steps back in caution. The rest of his band members, John and Jimmy, lean from beside him to peer at the ragdoll. She's still on the ground shaking, her eyes watering. Her dress is ruffled while her hair is tangled in knots. James turns to shrug, motioning weakly.

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