In Her Thread's Pocket

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Sally earns some glares on their trip back to her home, but she thinks nothing of them. She's glad to still be in Jack's company, taking in every moment she can with him. It's not long before they'll both be at Finklestein's tower, where she'll have to say goodbye to him again. She tries desperately not to think of the coldness that will be in her chest the moment he walks away from her, or the lonely nights she'll have to face until they can meet again.

"Your home is lovely, by the way. I don't remember if I told you that."

She wants to keep their chat going for as long as possible. It pains her not to hear his voice for even a second - she knows any one will be the last she hears for awhile. She wants to bathe in its lovely sound while she can. And he delivers, every syllable finding its way into her heart as he speaks.

"Thank you. I promise the next time you come it'll be nicer. It looks much better when I'm expecting guests, I assure you."

Her heart leaps for joy. She'll be there again? Does he really mean that? Before she can ask, the tower comes into view and she grows quiet. She remembers all about the Doctor - wondering what his reaction will be when he finds Jack with her again. She expects him to be agitated to find her gone again, but she hopes that maybe, just maybe, he'll be easier on her this time...

The tower is quiet while they climb up the stairs, Sally happily clinging onto Jack's arm as he helps her up. He lets go of her to ring the doorbell, where they both wait in tense silence for someone to answer. She plays with her hands and stares at the ground, trying to keep her thoughts to a minimal. Eventually, she begins to say something to him, but before she can, the door soon swings open, revealing a frantic-looking Doctor Finklestein.

"Sally! My god, is that you, girl?"

His voice sounds different - lighter than usual. He reaches forward to wrap his arms around her and hold her close. His breath is heavy as it falls on her back. Her arms are left to dangle in the air. She has no idea what to do. This may be the first time he's ever hugged her. And it surely draws her back, as she has no urge to return it. He lacks the same warmth and smell as Jack does - instead, his embrace feels cold and uncomfortable. She wants nothing more than to be out of it.

"There you are! I was worried sick! Did you fall out of your room?"

There's no harm in telling the truth. "Yes, Doctor, I did...I'm sorry."

"No, no. You have nothing to be sorry about, my dear. If anything, I should be the one apologizing. I meant to lock that blasted thing when you were created. Slipped my mind, is all..."

He lets go to observe her. She gets flustered when his gaze comes to her figure. She knows he's just looking for imperfections, loose seams and all, but it doesn't feel...good. She doesn't get the same tingling sensation as when Jack glances about her, nor does she feel warm in certain areas as his eyes travel along her frame. She takes a step back at this flustered feeling and notices the Doctor's confused expression. Jack saves her the effort of an explanation, finally speaking up from the side.

"You really should take a look at that old thing. I don't think it would support her even if it WAS locked."

"Jack, my boy! I had no idea you were there this whole time." He appears startled at his presence. He waves air in front of his face to catch his breath. "Yes, I'll be sure to do that. Thank you for getting my Sally. I thought I lost her after such a fall!"

He grabs her arm, leading her inside and away from the skeleton. She fights against his grip for a moment before deflating. She turns around to wave weakly at Jack as the door closes. She can only see his surprised expression before the gap is gone, and is left being dragged to the laboratory by a pair of tiny hands. She can't help but sigh - wishing she had a moment longer with him...

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