White Dress

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The Doctor is always the one telling her what to do and how to do it. She is finally, for the first time, making a choice on her own part rather than resorting to drugging him and sneaking out like she has done so much in the past. It is, however, more difficult than she thought. She has many ideas, yes, but she wouldn't imagine quite going this far.

The ragdoll nervously looks back in the mirror, feeling as unconscious about herself as she ever has. She decides to sneak out tonight on the account that something is happening back in town - something colorful, vibrant, and loud. The windows of the Town Hall are illuminated in reds and greens and yellows, and from her tower can she hear the wails and laughter of the inhabitants inside. After a long day of Finklestein assigning her superfluous work as a punishment, the urge to leave is tempting. She wants to join in on the commotion; to be apart of the screams she heard outside, and be where everyone else seems to go.

She picks out one of her dresses she made, believing it is some sort of party outside. Not that her patchwork one won't suffice - but it must be a special occasion to celebrate so late at night! And if it's any special, then she knows Jack Skellington will be there. She doesn't want to blend in with the crowds like she did yesterday and go unnoticed with him - she wants to stick out like a sore claw, and finally get his attention once more. She's always wanted to know what he thinks of her other dresses...and now she might finally get her answer.

She observes it closely it in the mirror. It is a fairly simple dress, but not consisted of multiple fabrics like her usual one. It is clear white and has a modest trim. It leaves her shoulders and neck exposed, except for a part of her upper arm. It comes down to just below her knees. There is a transparent layer underneath with small details she'd etched in. They reflect off of any light nearby. If held or worn a certain way, it would glimmer.

Another wave of light comes from her window, and as she whips around, she finds it's coming from the town. She should start leaving now if she wants to get in there time - before everything stops and she'll miss her opportunity to be apart of the crowds again. She dips her head out from the doorway and peeks around. Good. No sight of the Doctor or Igor! She tiptoes her way to the front door and avoids as many creaks and groans as she can. She grabs the handle and attempts to open it, but finds it isn't budging.

"Going somewhere?"

As if he has been looming in the dark the whole time, Finklestein emerges from the shadows. He has an oil lantern clutched in his hand and its dim lighting makes him look menacing. She stands up straight and holds her arms in front of her dress, trying her best to conceal it from him as best as she can.

"Of course not, Doctor." She shakes her head. "I'm just...making sure you locked it for the night."

"That was a trick question, Sally. I always keep it unlocked. The only reason it is now is so you wouldn't slip out."

The closer he gets, the more he can see how different her dress looks. He comes close enough that there is no point in hiding it anymore. She sighs in defeat as she slowly lets her arms drop to her sides. His jaw drops. Seeing in her a bright, white dress is the last thing he'd ever expect. He eyes her frame curiously, ignoring the tender feeling climbing in his throat and racking around in his chest.

"You...You look astonishing, my dear - but just why are you wearing something so...so...."

"-Horrifying?" She finishes, a hopeful grin on her face. He shakes his large head.

"No, never mind that. Where were you going dressed like this? And so late at night?"

She starts entwining her fingers as she thinks of an excuse. Her eyes wander until they see the opened back door behind Finklestein. When she takes a step towards it, he holds his hand out. He notices what she's trying to do and holds out both his arms to discourage her.

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