Knitting Buddies

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"Sally!" "Sally!" "Sally!" "Sally!" "Sally!"

She hears various voices calling for her and turns around, where she finds the Hanging Men of the Hanging Tree motioning for her to come towards them. She takes one last look at the Skellington Manor before approaching them and bowing courteously. The Hanging Tree is at one of the tables in the corner with knitting needles in his hands. She taps his bark and waits as he turns slowly. Once they're facing each other, he gives a sharp smile.

"Why, hello there, Sally! What a horrible afternoon, isn't it?"

"It is." She nods before promptly pointing to the needles. "I didn't know you liked to knit, Hanging Tree."

He sets them down momentarily to laugh. "Oh, yes, I've been knitting for years!"

She eyes the fabric he is working on and fidgets with her hands, saying quietly, "I didn't think anyone else enjoys this type of craft..."

"It's nice to find someone who shares the same hobbies as you." He picks the needles up to continue working. "Do you sew yourself, Sally?"

She brushes her hair behind her shoulder. "Literally, yes. I love to make my own dresses."

He taps the empty spot beside him on the bench and Sally happily takes the seat. She feels more comfortable as she sits down, surrounded by some of her most favorite things. There are lots of materials sprawled on the surface, including needles and yarn. She marvels at them while the tree continues to knit, glancing once in her direction.

"Have you ever tried knitting? It's a lot like sewing. I think you'd like it."

"I haven't, but I don't own a pair of knitting needles."

He reaches over to grab another pair of needles and offers them to her. "Just borrow these. The Town Hall has plenty of them. I'd know because I always take a new pair every year."

"Wouldn't someone notice?"

"Well, they've got 30 other pairs no one uses." He shrugs. "I'm sure they won't mind."

She takes them and studies the Hanging Tree's movement, taking note of the patterns and trying to remember them so she can try. She attempts a basic knit stitch and finds her hands fiddling with the knot when she feels his eyes watching her. Eventually, she succeeds and the snitch is placed snug on the needle. She listens with pride as the Hanged Men applaud her from behind.

"Great work! Was that your first try?" The Hanging Tree asks.

She nods. The Hanging Men give her another round of applause that makes her smile modestly. One of them leans forward on his rope so he is right beside her at the table. She hears it tighten around his neck and cringes at the imaginable pain. He inspects her work and turns his skull to give a thumbs-up. Another Hanging Man comes forward to admire her work as well. She winces as she hears the skeleton choke slightly when the rope tightens around his neck. She knows he's complimenting her, but she is too concerned to listen.

"Doesn't that hurt?" She asks, pointing to the rope.

"Only when it gets too tight!" One of the other skeletons replies. "Our knots can be hard to budge. It depends on our how Tree here moves around, so he usually walks slow so we don't get hurt much."

"You can't get down?"

Another shakes his skull. "Afraid not, Miss Sally. We died like this, so we aren't allowed to be removed."


"Oh, that's right! You're new here!" The Hanging Tree butts in. "Us citizens aren't allowed to change our looks if it's related to our death. To keep us scary! In this case, these men passed away on my branches due to, well, the timing. I simply got passed with them because I had no more branches left for people to hang from!"

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