An Awaited Visit

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Three men are huddling by the gate. There are frantic whispers that go unheard in the rest of the Graveyard. Their thin statures are pressed against one another, their bony hands clasping around the metal bars. They are inching closer to get a better view of what was seen from afar, Jimmy having the best of luck since he's the tallest. With his accordion strapped around his back, he peeks in between the bars and finds two familiar figures. A ragdoll and skeleton are atop the famous Spiral Hill, both smiling and conversing every now and then. For the most part, it remains quiet, but the few exchanges are all he needs to see.

"Any luck?" John asks. Jimmy finally tears his eyes away and shakes his head.

"'Fraid not. They're pretty quiet; I can't hear what they're sayin'."

"Really?" James tilts his head in response. "You'd think there's some flirtin' going on between th' two of 'em, eh?"

"I ain't sure 'bout that, Boss..." Jimmy looks back at their small figures. "They're sittin' pretty close."

James trails a finger over his pointed chin in thought. From what he and the boys have seen, Sally goes out a lot when Jack is conveniently nearby. He keeps finding them coming to the Graveyard. But is that a coincidence or not, he wonders?

"I still think my bet is going to win," The tallest member comments. "If they felt somethin' for each other, I'm pretty sure they'd be...ya' know? Sharing some spookghetti and eyeballs or stuff like that by now?"

James swats at him with the end of his saxophone. "Yer' nuts! Love ain't a quick path! Sometimes it takes years fer two ghouls ta' fall in love."

"Okay, okay! You really feel strongly 'bout this, eh, boss?"

"If he didn't, we wouldn't be here right now." John comments from below them. "Spying ain't our thing...yet here we are obsessing over Bone Daddy and Fink's girl."

"I've got, what th' gals call...'intuition'." James holds up a finger. "Give 'em 'nother year or two n' I'll bet ya' 30 coins more they'll be together."

John widens his lifeless eyes in surprise. "You sure? That's an awful lot for just another gossip couple..."

"Trust me, boys. Bone Daddy will fall first; ya' never know what livin' alone can do to a guy. If any of ya' plan on changin' yer bets...lemme' know now."

"In that case, I'll raise mine up to 20 on ragdoll." John looks up at his fellow band member. "What about you, Jimmy?"

"I'm keepin' it the same. I don't know what you guys see in 'em."

Jimmy shakes his head and finally removes himself from the gate. He swings his accordion around his body until it rests comfortably back on his stomach. James and John follow suit and they remove themselves from the scene to follow after him. They round the corner of the Outskirts and stand in their usual spot, preparing to play a final harmony for the night.

The night is peaceful, and the quiet breeze of the air is one to enjoy. Their melody finally fills the silence of the town, bringing a calm yet beautiful ending of the day.


When Sally comes back, there's nothing new waiting for her. The Doctor suffers another headache, scolding her for leaving the Tower and sending her to her room again. She's surprised he doesn't go through with his threat from before, but doesn't push it. Instead, she tries to keep a smile for the rest of the time she's locked up.

She is humming under her breath now, sewing another patch on her dress to pass the time. She doesn't feel bothered by anything, which is a little unusual. She'd actually say she's in a good mood. Talking with Jack again really lifted her spirits. She's gotten to know even more about him, and now she has even more ideas swarming her thoughts while he's not here. Knowing that he's going to come over has finally made her look forward to something. She can't leave the Tower now, not risking the possibility of missing his visit. Even if the outside seems so grand and entrancing, she knows it's worth staying here. Any moment now he could be at their door, and she wants to be the first one to welcome him in.

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