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The Doctor's suspicions are heightened when he finds his ragdoll chipper about everything as of late. Whether it'd be scrubbing the tower's toilet or sweeping the bedrooms, Sally is willing to do anything he says. From the few times he watches secretly from the side, he finds her smiling and humming...he even stumbles upon her singing! Something has her attention. He's certain it's something from outside - something she drugged him for to see...

He's sending her off to do some homework, which has been completed these past few days. He had the hardest time getting any actual work before, but now it's accurate and finished on time...everything about this situation keeps him on his toes. He looks Sally up-and-down while she waits for his final word to release her into her room, where he wouldn't see her for hours beyond her door....it's then Finklestein hesitates. Wonders if he should ask, to pry, to demand this information out of her -- so he can know what has finally made her happy, after trying all this time, to have her content at home...

"Doctor?"  He's drawn from his thoughts at the sound of her voice. "Can I go, now?"

"Hm? Oh, yes. You may leave, now." She starts to go and he taps the armrest of his wheelchair in thought. "-Sally?"

She turns around. "Yes?"

"I'd like to have a talk with you tonight. In my Laboratory. Just you and me."


She doesn't sound interested. She rushes into her room and shuts the door tightly. The weight pressing against her back lifts the moment she's in the solitude of her own confinement. She releases the breath she'd been holding. She was breathing through her teeth...as she always does around the Doctor. But when she looks at the mansion far across the tower, it feels like she's breathing fresh air. She opens her textbook and starts working through math problems, humming while she works diligently.

She progresses through the problems at a good rate, and stops to take a break. She wishes she could be answering questions about Halloween. Questions about the outside world, of her friends, or the man she loves...Sally sighs and stares out of the window. Her eyes lock on the only interesting thing outside at that moment, at the study where he's usually in. She tries to picture Jack in there - looking through his own window, at her figure. Her body longs for him again, and her phantom heart aches knowing how far they're separated.

She rests her head in her hand, daydreaming of this better world. A noise interrupts her thoughts. It's the sound of a dog barking -- somewhere near the tower. She heads to her window and looks outside. She recognizes that sound anywhere - the bark of her good friend, Zero! But where can he be? She can't see him anywhere. As Sally shifts her gaze, the barking grows louder.



The sound of yapping erupts from beside her. She turns her head and finds Zero in her room, looking with attentive little eye sockets. She places a hand on her chest as she tries to get her breath back, calming her nerves as she squeezes her eyes shut. It's only Zero... She assures herself. It's your good friend, Zero...it's Jack's dog....Jack...


"Shhh! Zero! Dr. Finklestein will know you're here..." She goes down on her knees to look at him better. Once she's close enough, she notices an envelope tucked in his mouth. "-Huh?"

The ghost dog nudges his snoot closer to her face. She realizes what he's doing and takes it from his mouth, turning it over in her hands. In neat writing, from the man she loves and has thought about endlessly for these past couple of days, reads: TO SALLY. Her leaves do several flips inside her body as she opens it with eager hands, and finds a folded sheet of paper inside. She uncovers the same writing inside, written largely and legibly so she could read.

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