Chapter 13: Who's Frank?

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"So, how was your day, Grayson?" This became a daily routine. Every time we had dinner or just all sitting down together, Judy would bring this up. She would always ask first we were okay or not.

"It was fine. I just had some papers to fill out." He shrugs. "Nothing exciting."

Judy nods, satisfied with his answer. "Good. How about you Jenna?"

Yes, Judy also included Jenna. As I've gotten to know her the last few days, it turns out she's a total bitch.

Her eyes light up when Judy asks her. "My day was great! I hung out with some of my old pack mates, and it was really fun."

I resist to roll my eyes at her eagerness to share.

The clatter of plates moving and knives cutting filled my ears. I looked up a Grayson and apparently he had the same idea too.

We made eye contact for a few seconds, I swear I saw him shiver and I hold back a smirk forming in my face.

He hasn't talked to me in days. It started to get my wolf anxious and irritable.

As soon as we were done eating I decided that it was time to find a book to entertain myself. Since I didn't get anytime to pack at my old pack, I had nothing here.

I try and remember where the library was. The directions were all a jumbled mess in my mind.

Soon I had to go and ask a maid that was passing me.

I'm about to turn the corner but I hear a voice, causing me to hide again and eavesdrop.

"You want me to follower her?"

A pause.

"Yes I know why we have to do this. Are you sure? I mean I can see it if she was but, she hasn't shown anything." Now that I had a second to listen to the voice I recognized that it was Judy.

But what was Judy talking about?

"Maybe provoke her? I bet she's hasn't figured out that she is the-"

Is the what? Was she talking about me? I pressed myself deeper into the wall, trying to conceal myself even more.

Nobody was in the hallway and the wall I was leaning on was the wall to the library.

"How should I do it? It's not like I can just ask."

Whatever she's upset about, it must be very serious. Maybe a pack member?

"I know. I'll do my best. I just hate going behind the kid's-"

If I listened hard enough I could hear the faint outline of the other person's voice. "I know Judy. Just do what you were told to do then you can come back and tell them." The voice was barely over a whisper so I could but tell if it was a man or a woman.

Judy sighs deeply. "Do you want me to continue with he plan, or do you want me to do the plan you just told me?"

"Are you dumb!" Yes! Keep telling so I can hear this! "What did we just talk about, what did I just tell you to do?!"

The person on the other side seemed mad now, I wonder what they were talking about.

"No, Frank I'm not dumb!"

So it's a man. But who was Frank and what did he want Judy to do so badly.

"I need to go. I'll talk to later another time. I have things to do." When Judy said this, I ran to the nearest door. Down the bright baby pink hallway, and the carpeted floors I about Lee's my pants when she said this.

Thank goddess, I choose that door because I was just one that held in brooms and mops.

When the clicking of the heels finally decreased, I let out a breath I was holding in.

The closet was crowded and there was barely any room for me. But before I could even think about stepping out of here, I had to make sure that there was no one here. If someone found out that I was eavesdropping than I would surely be kicked out. And I can't go back to my parent's house.

Straining my ears, I heard no one within the halls I was in currently. So I snuck out carefully, double checking both ways and went into the library.

Hopefully there would have some answers in there.

When I opened the old antic wooden door I gasped at the sight. The library was beautiful.

The whole room screamed 1800's. Everything in here was made of wood.

The walls were decorated with ceiling high bookcases, rolling ladders stood in front of a hand full of them.

There were bookcases in rows just like a local library. All shapes and sizes of books were on each and every bookshelf. Not one empty spot was available.

Tables and chairs were in the front of the dome shaped room. They had papers and books onto of them, like someone spends a lot of time here.

On the ceiling, the roof was glass. It didn't show the other side but it was truly beautiful.

How long I stood there admiring the giant room, I have no idea. But when I was done, I finally got my car together and walked in. No one was at the front desk so I just wondered. I dragged my fingers along the dusty book and for a second I completely forgot about the conversation I heard earlier.

Key word, almost.

The things Judy said stuck in my mind. What did she mean? Should I be worried? Should I tell Grayson?

I stay in the library walking aimlessly through the aisles. Dragging my finger against every book guarded pass, I start to get tired and sleepy. So I headed back to my room and flipped on the bed.

Today I would skip dinner and stay in my room. I really didn't want to face Judy at dinner. I couldn't face her knowing that I did all those things.

That night I went to bed with questions on my mind and scenarios running through my head.


Sorry this is so short but I'm having a bit of writers block so it's kind hard.

Please forgive me, I love you guys so much, thanks for reading this!!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!!

See you guys soon!!


Word count: 1069 words

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