Author's Note

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So there are a few things I need to address in this author's note.

Yes, I'm taking a two week break and I'm editing this story. I love the plot and the direction it's going in but when new readers come and read my story and correct my grammar, it just makes me realize how much I need to fix this.

No, I'm not going to be gone forever, I promise it's just two weeks and I'll come back. Though I must warn you, the chapter that I'm leaving you guys on, has a major cliffhanger.

I want to thank all the people who has stuck through this story and read my crappy writing. I promise it will only get better from here.

The relationship between Grayson and Iris will be more in depth and more details. How do you think of them, are they like real people or just story characters? Leave a comment.

For this story and can go two ways. This could either be a stand alone, or I can do a three book series of Grayson and Iris and their struggle. Which one would you like? Please comment and let me know.

Again thank you guys so.much for the 1.51k reads, I love you guys so much and I hope you can stay for the rest of the book.

I love you guys so much!!

Until next time.


Word count: 237 words

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