Chapter 30: Russia

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So a little disclaimer, in this story Russia is controlled by royalty. I know I'm real life that Russia has a president, but in this story I decided to go a different direction. I'm sorry if this attends anyone but this story is purely from my imagination. If you don't like it feel free to leave!


I woke up with a jolt from the same dream from the night before.

Frantically I looked around my surroundings and realized that I was in the plane still. Secretly I wished that we were already there so I wouldn't have to deal with being in a stuffy place.

In front of me, Lila finally stopped talking and slept. Her head was resting on Lucas' shoulder and he was also sleeping. It was cute to see the two of them like that. They were truly perfect for each other.

Besides me, Grayson was reading something on his phone. I looked outside to realize that the sun was already setting. I had slept the whole day away.

"Had a good sleep?" Grayson asks from besides me without looking up.

I grunt a response and lay my head down in his lap. It was a bold move, yes, but I was very tired and I still seemed to be sleepy.

I heard his breath catch and I held mine. His muscles were tense but slowly they relaxed.

"How many more hours do we have?" I ask in a small whisper.

"About five hours," I groan. "don't worry it'll go by fast.

I sigh and nod. As much as I hated being on this plane for so long, I would defiantly do it again if it means I get to lay my head on his lap.

I close my eyes and sleep overtakes me again, sending me into a dreamless sleep.


Arms we're wrapped around me and I could feel a little bounce. Opening my eyes I realize that Grayson is carrying me and we're walking out of the jet.

"Thanks." I mumble his shoulder. I can feel him nod in response.

Lila was awake and her chatter gave me a headache which was bad because I was about to met the parents that I've always wanted.

My heart jumped as the thought came to my head.

Crap, crap, crap, crap...

My wolf almost yawns at my ranting. "You'll be fine." She reassures me. "Just be yourself." Internally I groan but don't say anything back.

In seconds I'm being sat down in a fancy limo. A limo that you would see in the movies.

The landscape was nothing. For the moment, we sat in the middle of a grassy terrain with a dirty road for the road.

In the background I can see mountains stretching as far as I can see all the beautiful colors with a white tip.

"It will take a few hours to get to the palace, sir." The driver announces and we all take our seats.

"Very well," Grayson says from besides me. "let's get a move on then."

"Yes sir." The driver says and rolls up the window between us and him.

"I'm so excited! I've always wanted to visit Russia!" Lila says imminently after the window is rolled up.

"What about that time when we were all kids? Did that not count?" Lucas asks from besides her. "Remember, Iris was a newborn."

All eyes widened especially mine.

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