Chapter 23: A Kiss

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Seeing you guys read my story after every update literally makes my day! I can't express my gratitude for you guys!! ThAnk yOu So mucH!!!!!


The pack house was huge. And when I say huge, I don't mean Kardashian house huge, no. I mean United Kingdom castle huge!

Let's just say I had a lot of exploring to do.

There was a few steps leading towards the house and Grayson lead the way. Besides me, Lila looked happy to be here. Lucas kept his expression neutral but it wasn't like I could tell the difference anyways, we were in wolf form after all.

The doors were pulled open by two people and all the wolves walked through the door. I guess everyone had to wait to shift back since we would all be nude if we did and I doubt my mate would like other men seeing me like that.

When you first walked in, you were overcome with a smell of roses and something I couldn't put a figure on.

It was homey and made you feel like you were in a cosy and comfortable place, which I guess was the whole vibe here.

Grayson lead us down a corridor. Whilst we walked down, people stared and bowed to us. It made me feel uncomfortable but I decided to just ignore the feeling and keep walking forward.

The hallway was large and open spaced. It was white with a hint of gold but it was barely noticeable. Just like my mate house, the pack house had many windows. It showed the wide vivid colored yard, something my old pack never had.

The floor was marble and it was cold under my paws. My rip in my leg was now fully opened and I could tell that it was bleeding everywhere.

I felt dizzy, probably from all the blood loss.

Everyone was quiet and kept their gazes straight ahead, even when I tried to catch Lila's eye, she was looking right ahead of here, unwavering. I wonder if they were talking about the attack in the pack link.

It took a total of fifteen minutes to get to the hospital, or at least what I assumed to be so. When we got inside everyone disperse into every direction around us. I stood in my wolf form, awkwardly.

Well until someone approached me.

"This way." I was startled when a man came up to me. He was in a blue nurse's clothes and seemed very tall. The man started to walk a little bit and when I didn't move he turned back and sighed. Then his eyes for wide and he just stared. It was starting to creep me out but then I remembered that my fur was shedding everywhere so I just rolled my eyes and followed him.

That's when he seemed to finally get the hint. He shook his head and lead me down a hallway that had nurses, doctors, and patients everywhere.

Seeing this many sick people all in one place scared me. When I was younger I use to want to be a doctor, until I found out that people died here. That crushed my dreams quickly.

The doctor lead me into a room not that far away from where I stood before.

The room had white walls that made me shrink in disgust. I'm the center of the room was a bed and it was meaty made. To decorate inside, there was a brown chair in the corner and a couch by the window. A TV was propped on the wall in front of the bed and was currently playing the news.

It help fill the silence. Silence made my ears ring and my head start to ache.

"This is where you'll stay until another nurse comes and patches you up. Please shift back into your human form, there should be hospital gown on the bed."

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