Chapter 21: Unexpected Things

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Okay so some things actually happen in this chapter, it was a suggestion from a friend. I was stuck and I felt like I couldn't write anything. So I'm sorry this is a late update but I have a lot going on.

But never fear summer is almost here! So guess what that means...more updates!! *cheers*

Please bare with me through this month and I'll promise I'll make it up to you during summer!


I almost have a heart attack when I see Judy.

Oh god, did she see? Did she that I have her precious book?

I play it cool. "I just came here to find a book to read. What are you doing here?"

She scoffs. "The same thing your here for." But I detect a hint of hesitation. I know she's lying but so am I.

A second of silence passed through us. "What is it that you were just looking at?"

My heart stops. "Umm, I just saw a book that looks somewhat interesting."

Judy's eyes narrow and her arms are crossed but she doesn't say anything else. "I came here to look for my journal, you didn't happen to see it now did you?"

"No..." I say slowly. "But I think I saw Lila earlier with it."

"Huh" At this point she doesn't look convinced but I don't really care, I just need to find a safe place for this journal. "I'll go check with her."

With a swift movement she turns around and walks with graceful steps towards the door. Her purple sun dress flows around her as she moves and her curly brown hair flutters around her face.

Once she's out and closes the door behind her I let out a sigh. I use my werewolf hearing to double check she's not just outside the door and I hear nothing. Thank goddess she's gone. If she didn't leave soon I think I would have had a heart attack then and there.

I needed to be wary of Judy and her movements. She could turn any day or time.

My heart is beating so fast I think that it might pop out of my chest. The encounter with her really shook me.

Bending down, I take the journal and shove it in my shirt and suck in so that way it's not noticeable that I have a book in there. When I look down and don't see anything I take a step towards the door. The library was the safe haven for this journal. I'm glad that nobody found it because if they did...I don't know what would have happened.

I needed to find somewhere else to put this goddess forsaken journal, but where?

Suddenly an idea struck me in the head and I nearly grinned. This would be great. Right in plain sight but not too much.

Raking my brain for the directions I head out of the room with the book safely tucked under my shirt.

I run out of the room like my ass was on fire. Taking a left I fly on my toes to the destination.

I really hope that nobody's in there when I get there. I say to myself.

It was true. If someone was in there, it would blow my whole cover.

I take another turn that I think leads to it, I'm hoping and praying in my head that it does. The book almost slips out when I turn. I guess the sudden movements made it do this.

When I turn I see two doors that I know for a fact lead to the kitchen. I slowly open it and I don't hear anything, just the slight tapping of water dripping.

A crack reveals the shiny steel counters to the side of me. I'm scared to open the door any more than I already have. What if someone is there?

Taking a deep breath I just took off the rest of the bandage. I open the door with a swift music to be pleasantly delighted that no one was in there.

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