C h a p t e r S i x

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~ I Should've Said No ~


After Celine and I helped Mr. Leduc clean the grossest, and I repeat, grossest lacrosse equipment and game utilities, he let us leave to go home.

"I'll see you tomorrow Evie", Celine said while waving goodbye as her ride pulled up at the front entrance.

"See you later", I smiled as she exited through the doors.

I checked my phone to see if I had any messages from Liv, and was shocked to see a long text.

Liv: Hey babes. Got caught up with Ted from the coffee shop. You know the one who I fucked last summer? Anyways we might be a while. Can you find a ride home? If not I'll be there to get you, just will be a little later. Sorry, love you xoxo.

I rolled my eyes and smacked my hand to my forehead.

I wish I had checked my texts earlier.

I sent a quick text back, trying to be supportive but also slightly cheesed that she was making me wait for coffee boy.

Me: Alright, lmk when you're done! Hope it goes well love, but you better bring me a large flat white. No excuses.

I sighed slumping down to sit on the ground in the entryway. It was already 3:15. And god only knew how long that girl would spend chatting with Ted. I could've asked Celine to give me a lift home, but she had already left, and I didn't want to make her parents turn around to get me. I'd just have to wait.

I pulled out my headphones, notebook and pencil case as I began to make the most out of my boredom.

I started to sketch whatever came to mind. And of course, what came to mind was him.

I tilted my head back against the wall in frustration.

Why did I have to think about him? He already has a girlfriend, a psycho one at that. And he also helped her spread that horrible rumour about me to the whole team, maybe even the whole school!

I shook my head in disapproval as I started to sketch a sea turtle on a blank page.

But the more that I drew, the more I thought about the whole situation, and the realization of my feelings for Easton.

I should hate him. But why was I resisting the urge to be mad at him?


About thirty minutes later I checked my phone to see no new messages. With nothing else to do but to continue drawing, I heavily sighed and continued to just do that. I moved to a new page, and began to trace the outline of a person, drawing ovals of different sizes to landmark the persons body and appendages.

I saw a flicker of movement in my peripheral vision through the glass doors that headed into the hallway, but I didn't pay any attention to the oncoming presence as I continued to work on my sketch.

I sat there bobbing my head to The Chainsmokers, while outlining the ovals into more defined body parts. I was halfway done the upper chest and arms when a shadow loomed over my sketch and snapped me out of my trance.

I slowly looked up to see the culprit who was responsible for impairing my lighting. The presence of Timberland's and khaki pants was a clear give away that it was a guy. I continued my gaze up and noted that his uniform t-shirt well defined his chest and arms, a look that could make any girl drool. And then I came to his face, and I froze as those chocolate brown eyes searched my green ones. He motioned for me to take my headphones out, and I gulped as I removed them.

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