C h a p t e r T w e n t y S i x

418 8 6

~ Admitting the Inevitable ~

"Maturity is not when we start speaking big things. It is when we start speaking small things".

~ AU


Robbie looked the same as always. Sporting denim jeans, a white shirt that was covered with a flannel, and of course, cowboy boots.

Robbie was one of four children in his family. He was the third oldest, but always acted like he was the one in charge. Especially when it came down to the family business of running their dairy farm.

Their house was always filled with noise, laughter, and delicious smells. Much different than my own home where it was just mom and I. We really came from two different worlds, two different environments. But Robbie's family never hesitated to welcome me in with open arms.

"Hey Eves".

His smile was so simple, so kind. It was something that I used to find comforting. It still was, but not in the same way that it used to be. The way that it made me feel butterflies, all the excitement and nerves that those countless romance authors wrote about. But by taking one glance at Robbie now, I knew that it wasn't the same.

Now, someone else held that power.

Someone with chocolate tasselled hair, and a pair of mocha eyes to match.

I steadily walked over to where he stood, a small smile sprouting to my lips, "how have you been?"

We both turned when a throat was cleared behind us, "I'll leave you two to catch up. See you in a bit Evie".

I turned back towards Robbie with a short laugh, "was this her doing? Or was this your doing?"

Robbie shrugged his shoulders as he tipped his beer back, "I have no idea what you're talking about".

His playful smile made my eyes roll. Of course this was planned, getting us all alone to talk. I could see it coming from a mile away.

"But to answer your question, I'm doing good", he said sitting down on one of the coolers that littered the grounds of the yard. He gestured to the one next to him, "you want to take a seat?"

I let out a small but jokingly sigh as I plopped down next to him. "So, how are things back home?"

"Nothing much has changed. Everything's the same", he paused as he started to rip the logo off of his beer bottle, "except you're not there".

I turned to look at my own beverage. I knew that the task of drinking water was a great idea at the time, but I could feel myself getting more and more sober by the minute. And I highly doubted that my sober self could handle being this casual with Robbie.

"I know, you guys lost one hell of an amazing girl", I teased.

Robbie nodded as he blew out a breath, "yeah we sure did". My eyes met his again, something that was already done multiple times, but this time something was different. "I miss you Evie".

"Yeah, I miss you too," I said, my voice quiet.

"No, not just I miss you", he said rolling his drink between his hands. " I miss us", he said gesturing between the two of us.

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