C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n

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~ True Desires ~


Evie was quite the little fighter.

I carried her over my shoulder, and down the road towards my parked Dodge Ram, all the while she wiggled and smacked my back as she yelled for me to put her down.

"Evie, stop! I'm taking you home whether you like it or not", I said as I neared my vehicle.

"Why?! I'm fine! You just picked me up and carried me out for no apparent reason!" She slurred as she smacked my ass, "damn you have a nice ass!"

If we were in any other situation I would've laughed, letting her adorable humour get the better of me, but I was still overly pissed at the situation that unfolded five minutes prior. "You're too drunk, that's why".

Her tiny fists continued to pound my lower back in protest, "I am not too drunk! And you have no right taking me away. This is bloody kidnapping!"

I sighed as I swung open my truck door, "stop being so dramatic", my voice flat as I gently brought her tiny frame to the edge of the truck so that she could step in and sit down on the cushions. "Now sit down and buckle up your seatbelt".

She crossed her arms over her chest as she glared up at me, "it's funny how you think that I'm actually going to listen to you", she slurred. I saw the look in her eye right before she attempted to dart out the door, but once again I picked her tiny frame up and placed her back into the truck. "You mother fucker!" She growled.

Her tiny hands were smacking my arms as I tried to put her limbs back inside the vehicle, and once I got her far enough into my truck, I slammed the door shut.

A loud 'click' sounded as I put the child's lock on, and I walked around to the drivers side as I saw blonde hair whipping around in the front seat. Evie's emerald eyes were filled with rage as I swung myself into the drivers seat, and buckled up my own seatbelt. I glanced over at her once again, but she shifted her gaze out the front window, her arms still remained crossed over her chest. "You know it's illegal to drink and drive", she said, her voice quiet but stern.

I sighed as I turned my body to face hers, and her gaze shifted to trail up my torso and up to my eyes. I would've smirked, but the current topic was anything but seductive, "I'm not drunk Evie".

She rolled her eyes as she blew out a breath, "don't lie to me. You were drinking alcohol all night".

"Did you even see me all night?" I asked, my eyes never leaving hers.

It took a moment for her to register my question, but once she did she shrugged her shoulders unsure and huffed again, "well I know I did, and you had a drink in your hand every time".

"Well maybe if you were actually paying attention instead of fucking around with my best friend, you would have realized that it was the same cup of beer the entire time".

"You're lying".

"I'm not lying Evie", I said as I looked deep into her eyes. Her bright emerald colour softened as she realized that I was telling the truth, and her posture relaxed a bit. "I told you that I never lie", I said quietly, my voice a mumble as my attention was brought to her full red lips. Unknowingly, we had shifted closer to each other, leaning over the middle console slightly. My eyes met hers once again, an unsure feeling pitted in my stomach as I fought my inner demands.

Frustrated, I closed my eyes and backed away as I stared back out the window, adjusting my cap as I turned the engine on, "besides, I would never put you in danger like that".

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