C h a p t e r T w o

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~ Home ~


Saturday night rolled around much faster than I would have liked it too. We packed everything up during the passed week and it was now brought to the town of Casselman. The house that mom picked was only, to my luck, a block from Liv's' house. And because of that, it was no surprise to find Liv sitting in a lawn chair in the middle of our new drive way with a cardboard sign that read WELCOME BACK BABES with a gazillion exclamation marks and flashy red hearts.
I couldn't help the giggles that escaped my lips and the huge hug I embraced her in.

"I'm so glad you're here. I don't know how I could handle this without you", I said to her.

"Always babes. How was the drive?"

"Not bad, could've been worse", I said surveying the area. "It's so weird living back in a subdivision again. I'm going to miss the woods that's surrounded our old house".

"Woods?!", Liv looked at me in disbelief, "I'd say it's a miracle. Living in a house surrounded by all that is just terrifying. Don't get me wrong you know I love the outdoors, but only when I actually know where I'm going".  While picking up boxes to help carry into the house, Liv carried on with her statement. "And to think, anything and I mean anything could be watching you from the woods. How creepy is that?"

"Well I think that you watch a little too many murder mysteries. That or supernatural. Honestly it's not that bad at all. It was almost more peaceful if anything", I explained, "a lot more peaceful then living in town that's for sure".

"Whatever you say babes", she said as we carried my boxes and luggage up to my room.

What we stood in was a very ordinary sized room that held white walls and four windows. One window was on the side wall that faced the neighbors house, and the remaining three long lengthened windows allowed me to peer out to the streets below. It was smaller than my last room, but to me space wasn't too much of an issue. It's what you did with the place that mattered.

"So I know we were supposed to have a slumber party and everything, but what do you say instead of face makeovers we do my room makeover instead?"  I said grinning at Liv.

She met my smile head-on with one of her own while throwing her hands up in the air, "you had me at makeover".



Once my furniture was brought in and we moved it around the way that I wanted it to be placed, we began decorating. I wasn't much of a 'love for colors' kinda gal, so it was no surprise that I stuck with grey and white tones for all my bedroom essentials. We turned my bed vertical and placed it so that you could see out the front windows, and placed my reading chair right in front so that I could use the sunlight as sufficient reading light. By adding a few accents here, and adding my personal touches there, the perfect bedroom for me was finished in no time.

I was super happy with the results, but of course Liv had her own opinion.

"But like, why not go with pink? Pink is fab, always is and always will be. Maybe not go over-the-top pink but adding pink would be cute!" She beamed while looking around my room.

I sighed heavily and plopped down onto my freshly made bed. "Yeah it's cute and all but pink just isn't my thing.  I like the shades, they're good bases and if I happen to change my mind and go pink it's super easy to adjust and add different accents", I explained to her, "besides it reminds me of Winchester. It reminds me of home". Liv looked unconvinced but quickly got over it and came to join me on the bed.

After a few moments of silence, she finally broke out and asked the question I knew she was holding back, "how are you doing, honestly?"

I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling, watching the ceiling fan rotate in circles. "I miss him", I paused blinking tears out of my eyes, "I miss him a lot".

Liv moved to lay beside me on the bed and rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm sure he misses you too".

We laid in silence for what seemed like forever until Liv sat back up and turned to face me. "It sucks that he's far away and that things turned out the way they did, but it was meant to be. Timing is everything", she said getting up, "maybe your time with him just isn't now. Maybe it'll be later when you both graduate high school. Who knows".

"Yeah you're right", I said sitting up myself, "it just sucks".

"I know babes. But you got a whole two years left to enjoy the wonders of high school", she said sitting back down on the bed with me. "Let's show these bastards how to be the most Breakfast Club worthy high school students in the twentieth century", she said with a smirk.

I couldn't help but laugh, "okay but we definitely have to watch the Breakfast Club now after that outstanding reference in regards to our delinquent habits".

"Delinquent? I don't know what you're talking about. I'm an angel", Liv replied while pointing up to her head. "See that? That's a halo honey. This bitch may be sneaky but she's not gonna get caught. Only then will I be a delinquent along with your hot ass".

We laughed together as we slipped on our pajamas and got ready for our movie night. As the movie began, Liv started going on about how Bender was the sexiest delinquent of them all and how she wouldn't need a second thought to bang him in the school closet. I loved Liv for always keeping me distracted, but I couldn't help but feel worried about starting my first day of classes.

T-minus twelve hours until I would be walking down the halls of St. Albert High. Twelve hours until my old life would be completely gone, and replaced by one of dread.

Quick a/n,

So if you haven't caught on already, Liv and Evie are basically sisters.

Evie will finally be making her way through the unforgettable halls of St. Albert High in the next chapter.

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Stay healthy, stay happy, stay safe.

EHD xx

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