C h a p t e r N i n e t e e n

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~ Spill ~

"Expect the unexpected."

~ Bear Bryant


The following month went by in a blur. Through every class and every opportunity that I had to interact with Easton, I simply ignored him.

I pretended that I didn't care, even though my heart wrenched at the thought of what had happened that Friday night. My mind was still racing, and I struggled with the secret that we had unknowingly kept between us. I hadn't even told Liv that we had kissed.

Because although every neuron in my brain was telling me that what we did was wrong, the fibres still tingled in my body every time my mind replayed that moment. And I was not okay with sharing that piece of information, not even with my best friend.

I had to figure out and manage the feelings on my own.

I knew they were toxic. But trying to push away feelings that have been brewing for years was like trying to empty a boat that had already been on the verge of sinking.

So, until I could get over my feelings, my only plan was to ignore him.

He would do subtle gestures, and attempt at conversations, but I would just put my headphones in and keep to myself in response. I got so stubborn that I even went after multiple biology classes to discuss rearranging seats with Mr. Moore, but he would always shake his head and say that having Easton as my partner would be a benefit considering he was the top student in the class.

Long story short, I was stuck with him whether I liked him or not.

I snapped out of my thoughts as the school bell rang, signalling the end of English class, my last class of the day. Liv waited for me as I packed up my school supplies, and we headed out of the class and down the hallway towards our lockers.

I was confused by the absence of a familiar voice, and turned to look at Liv. She was smiling down at her phone, so engrossed in a virtual conversation. It was easy to tell who the text was from.

"You two should just date already", I said looking down at my own phone.

I myself was busy scrolling through Instagram, watching the notifications pop up every time someone liked my new photo that I had just posted. I tried to pretend like I wasn't looking for a specific name to pop up, but I would be kidding myself.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head in annoyance. I shouldn't be looking for his attention.

I shouldn't care what he thinks or what he does.

Liv looked up at me as if just comprehending what I had said, her cheeks glowing with a blush, "I wish. But I don't think Logan is the dating type".

"Why don't you just ask him?"

Liv stopped abruptly and put her hand on my forearm, a baffled expression masking her face, "Evangeline, one does not simply ask one of the Woods brothers if they want to date".

I chuckled at her dramatic effect. "Olivia", I said putting my hands on her shoulders, "I think that you can do whatever you want".

I pulled my hands away as we continued to walk towards our lockers, "besides, I'm sure guys find it hot when a girl is bold enough to go up and ask them out. It shows that you're badass and take charge. Besides, I think Logan needs a girl who is strong willed, someone very much like yourself".

Liv's tiny hand squeezed mine as she smiled brightly, and leaned her head on my shoulder, "frig I love you".

I smiled down at her, "I know".

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