C h a p t e r T w e n t y T h r e e

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~ Coffee is the Cure for Everything ~

"My heart beats faster as you take my hand, my love grows stronger as you touch my soul"

~ A. C. VanCherub


"Ten minutes? Are you serious?" Easton said baffled, his hands going out to the side in a what-the-fuck kind of manner.

I crossed my arms as I blankly stared at him, "yes, that's what I said".

We both glared at each other, neither one of us wavering as we both started to drag out our breaths in frustration.

Easton made the first move as he shifted his hat once again on his head before sitting down, sighing as he mumbled, "unbelievable".

"I'm sorry what was that?" I said leaning forward in my seat, "sounds like you said you don't actually want to talk. So if you would excuse me-"

"Evie", he said reaching across the booth to grab my hand. I froze as his warm calloused hand wrapped around mine, concealing it while guiding me to sit back down in my seat. I sighed as my gaze moved from our joined hands to his beautiful brown eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. It's just-", he said shifting his gaze to anywhere but mine, "-I didn't expect to see you here. And I don't mean that as a bad thing, I've just been wanting to talk to you for a long time. And I've thought about what to say for a fucking month now but I could never find the right words". He paused for a moment, his teeth gently grazing the top of his bottom lip as his mind trailed off in thought. 

I couldn't understand how this boy could make one simple action so attractive.

He turned his attention back to me instantly. "And now with you being here, it's taken me off guard. I don't even know where to start because I'm all flustered-"

"Easton", I said calmly while bringing my other hand to rest on top of his, "it's okay". His demeanour instantly relaxed, and he let out a deep breath as he closed his eyes before quickly opening them again to look at me. His jaw flexed as he audibly gulped, the stubble lacing his features that so easily highlighted his sharp jawline and defined cheekbones. My insides fluttered as he gave me a small smile. I glanced down at my phone on the table and then back up to him again, "you still have eight minutes".

Easton let out a careless laugh as I smiled, which then turned into a laugh on its own. "Funny".

"I know I am", I said teasingly. Easton let out another chuckle, and even though I wanted to continue laughing with him, I knew that this playfulness had gone on long enough. I cleared my throat as my expression shifted, "I'm no expert on resolving issues, but how about you start by saying sorry".

Easton's expression changed as he realized the seriousness of my tone. Instantly, I turned scarlet as he brought his other hand up from beneath the table to rub my hands in between his, a gesture I was unprepared for. "Evie, I'm so sorry for what I said that night. You have every right to be pissed at me, and I take full responsibility for what I said, but I also want you to know that you were right".

I held my breath as my mind replayed the horrible moment that my heart so desperately tried to forget. It made me angry, but I refused to speak until I heard what he had to say.

"You were right about me kissing you", he continued, "that was all me. I took advantage of a moment that I wanted. And not just wanted in that particular moment, but what I wanted for a long time". My mind was reeling with this information, so much that I almost didn't catch the next part of his sentence. "I was selfish".

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