Chapter 1

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y/n's POV

"Come on y/n! Hurry up! These bad guys aren't going to stop themselves!" Klaus yelled at me. "I'm coming, I'm coming! Wait up!" I called, rushing over to Klaus and Ben, who were waiting for me at the end of the hallway. We rushed down the stairs, bumping into each other ever so often. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, we ran over to the rest of the kids, getting there just in time.

"Nice to see you showed up," said Five. I just glared at him, returning my attention to Dad. "...and I expect you all to be on your upmost behavior, no fooling around, number four" he said, muttering the last part. We all heard it and started laughing a bit. "Alright, lets go," Dad said, leading us outside.


After we finished basically fighting/killing the robbers at the bank, we were lead outside to be greeted by a crowd of fans and press. Dad always told us to never answer their questions, but just to stand there and smile in number order. I stood next to Ben (who is number six). (If you're wondering where Number Seven is, Vanya, you should know she's not allowed on missions. Just thought you should know). But I didn't stand too close to him because he was covered in blood. "You ok, Ben?" I asked. "Y-Yeah, just really uncomfortable right now," Ben sighed. "Aren't we all?" I asked, "I mean, this attention is flattering, but its not really my forte. I honestly rather be at home right now." Ben nodded at my response and went back to staring at his feet.

Once we got home, I immediately went upstairs, just like everyone does after a long day. I was about to step into my room when I heard, "Hey, y/n, want to join us in Allison's room? We're playing truth or dare!" Klaus called to me. "Sure, Klaus," I said, following him to her room. Everyone was already there, except for Five. "Where's Five?" I asked, sitting down next to Vanya. (yeah she's included, don't worry) "Right here," said Five, appearing right next to me. I jumped when he responded, while everyone just laughed. "Jeez, Five! You have to stop doing that before you kill me!" I exclaimed, clearly annoyed. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," Five brushed it off.

"Anyways, who wants to go first?" Allison asked. "I will!" Klaus exclaimed, "Ok, Diego, truth or dare?" "I choose dare, I'm no wuss, Luther," Diego said with Luther glaring at him. "I dare you to throw one of your knives without thinking where it goes," Klaus said. "Klaus! Do you know how dangerous that is? He could kill someone!" Luther exclaimed. "Watch me," Diego smirked, throwing a knife automatically.

We all ducted, hoping to not get hit. Luckily, the knife only hit a wall, creating a hole. "Diego!" Allison exclaimed, getting up and pulling the knife out of her bedroom wall. "Sorry! It was a dare!" Diego said, "Now, my turn! Five, truth or dare?" "I pick truth," Five said without hesitation. "Alright, if you could have anyone else's power in this room, who's would it be?" Diego asked.

"That's a tough one. I think Y/n's power would be cool to have. I'd like to read someone's mind," Five said, looking at me. "Thanks, Five, your power is cool too," I smiled, accepting the compliment. He just smiled back, returning to the game. "I never seen Five smile at anyone.." I heard someone think, probably Klaus.

After a few rounds, I started getting bored. "Alright guys, I'm out. I'll be in my room if ya need me," I said getting up and leaving. I walked into my room and shut the door. I went over to my book shelf and pulled out a book. I sat in my bed and started reading.

"You're such a nerd!" Five said, appearing in my room. "Dammit Five!" I yelled. He just laughed and lied down next to me. "Let me see this book," he said, grabbing the book from my hands. He read a page or two of my book, I could hear the words in his head, y'know, my mind reading and all. He then put down the book on my bed side table.

"You read too much, plus that book is boring,"he complained. "Well at least I don't barge into people's room uninvited," I retorted. "Touché," Five said, getting up and walking over to my desk. He looked at all the unfinished drawings and books. You could say I'm a huge book nerd and artist, so what?

"I like this one you did here, it kind of looks like dad, but in a deformed way," Five smiled picking up the paper. "You think?" I said getting up and walking over to him, "I just think it looks like a big, ugly blob of horrible talent."

"Don't say that, y/n. Here look at this one, it's great!" He said, pointing to a drawing of the courtyard outside of the academy."If it's so great, then take it. I don't mind," I said. He smiled, taking the piece of paper from the pile he was rummaging through. He teleported out of my room, only to appear back after a few seconds, the drawing out of his hands.

"So, I'll see you later? Maybe we could hang out before bedtime?" Five asked. "I guess so, if you want. I'll go ask Ben or Klaus if they want to-" "No, don't. I want it to be just us," Five said interrupting me. "O-Ok, Five, I'll see you later," I said. He nodded and teleported out of my room. I sighed and went back to my bed, taking out my book.

A/n I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Stay tuned for more!

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