Chapter 22

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"Be careful, okay? We don't know what Peabody's capable of," Allison warned us, as we walked up to the small house in front of us.

"Yeah, he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him. Looked kinda scrawny," Diego admitted.

"Yeah, well, so are most serial killers and mass murderers. I mean, look at him," I said jokingly, pointing to Five.

"Thanks," Five said sarcastically.

"Good point. So what's this guy want with Vanya?" Diego asked, changing the subject.

"I don't know. His about we ask him after we kill him?" Five questioned walking up the steps to the front door.

"Whoa, whoa. Hey, look, I'm going to burst through this door," Diego said pushing pass Five. Five looked around, to make sure no one was looking. "You know what? It would be nice for people just to stick to-the plan," Diego cut him self off after Five teleported away.

Just then, Diego jumped through the window of the door. He fell on the floor, glass surrounding him. I looked at the door and turned the knob, it was open.

"Subtle," Allison said walking into the house behind me.

"You know, the door was unlocked," Five said pointing to the door. Allison and I laughed as Diego stood up.

"Yeah, well, my way works just fine," said Diego, "spread out. Yell if you. know, if you're in trouble."

"Inspiring leadership," I said sarcastically.

"One of the greats," Allison responded.

We then all split up. Diego going to the kitchen, Five  in the living room, and Allison and I upstairs. I looked at the left side, while she went to the right. I only got through two rooms until I heard Allison from down the hall..

"Guys, you need to see this," Allison called. We all met up to where she was. Allison was pointing at a doorway in the ceiling. I followed her up into the attic, looking around at the hug shrines "All of our faces are burned off," Allison pointed out.

"Well, that's not creepy," Diego mumbled, "This guy's got some serious issues."

"Shit," Five and I said at the same time, looking at a section of the the room dedicated to us two. I looked the the collages of Five and I. Of course our faces were scribbled out, but it was still wack.

"I don't like this...thing," I said, pointing to two action figures of Five and I together, holding hands. "Ugh, I hate it," I cringed.

"This was never about Vanya," Allison realized, "This was about us." All of a sudden, Five collapsed to the ground.

"Five. Wh-blood," Allison said as we all bent down beside him. Five laid there, groaning in pain.

"Oh my god, what's wrong with him?" I asked. Allison lifted up his shirt to reveal what seems to be a bullet hole.

"Jesus, Five," Diego whispered. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"You have to keep going. So...close," Five whispered before passing out.

"Five? Five!" I exclaimed, shaking him. "Why isn't he waking up? Is he dead?" I yelled.

"No, there's still a pulse," Allison informed, checking his wrist.

"Let's take him back to the Academy. Mom can help him," Diego said, picking Five up and leading us to the car.

I sat in the back with Five laying on my lap. I was scared, real scared. He looked dead. Diego speeded to the Academy, making it there in less than 15 minutes. He carried him inside and to his room. Allison grabbed Mom on the way. I was about to go into the room to make sure he was alright when Allison stopped me.

"Don't go in there," she said.

"Why not?" I asked, impatiently.

"Give Mom some space. I know you want to be with Five every second, but...not right now," Allison explained.

"Fine," I mumbled sitting against the wall, next to the closed door. I sat there waiting for about 20 minutes when Diego came out of the room. I stood up and looked inside. Mom was shown bandaging up Five's wound, still, with Five passed out.

"Anything?" Diego asked.

"There was no answer at Vanya's place. And the reception at her music school said she was a no-show for her lessons today," Allison said. Diego and Allison continued to talk. I didn't pay attention until I heard my name...

"...Five is laying there, unconscious. We need him," Allison said.

"We can do this ourselves. Y/n can take care of him while we're gone." said Diego.

"Huh? I heard my name," I said standing up.

"-No, we did that already, remember? We all ended up dead," Allison reminded.

"What are we talking about?" I asked.

"You need to stay here with Five, y/n. Make sure he's alright," Diego told me.

"Again?" I asked (not that i'm complaining).

"Diego, we need to stick together, no splitting up," Allison said. "Anyway, there's no other address, but there's a relations Jenkins's grandmother," Allison continued to explain.

"Do you think he took Vanya there?" Diego asked.

"Possibly, lets go," Allison answered, walking down the stairs with Diego behind her.

"What about Five?" I asked concerned.

"If it really means that much to you, you can stay here with him. I'll call if we need you," Allison told me. I nodded and walked into Five's room, decided to stay.

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