Chapter 7

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I arrived at Griddy's with sweat dripping down my forehead. I couldn't believe the situation I was in. Maybe a coffee would help me cope...

"Hey, Y/n. What can I get you?" Agnes smiled.

"Um, just a coffee please, with cream," I said tiredly. Agnes nodded and went to the coffee machine.

I really hope Five, or anyone won't show up here. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Vanya walk into the room. She ran over to me right as she saw me.

"Y/n! Oh my god, I've been worried about you! You can't just run away without telling me. What if you got kidnapped or something?" Vanya exclaimed worried.

"I'm sorry Vanya, but how can you just be ok with this? Five coming back, after being gone for so long. You all act like it's normal, but it's not," I said to her.

"Y/n, we're all as shocked as you are. Maybe you aren't as mature as us," Vanya suggested.

"Oh shut up, Vanya. You know that's not true," I said annoyed, sipping the coffee that was just handed to me.

"Sorry, y/n. Mind if I stay here with you? I grabbed all our things so we could go home after this," Vanya said taking out our bags from under the table.

"Sure, I so want to go home afterwards. This day has been way to erotic," I agreed.


I walked behind Vanya in the dark hallway as we approached our apartment. As she opened the door, a light turned on inside. "Jesus!" Vanya sighed surprised.

"Who is it, Vanya?" I asked, still behind her. I couldn't see much from where I was standing.

"You should have locks on your windows," I heard a voice from inside. Five, of course it's him. What is he doing here?

'Nope, I'm not doing this,' I thought as I turned around and started walking towards the stairs. "One moment," I heard Vanya say before closing the door and running over to me.

"Y/n! Where do you think you're going?" Vanya asked.

"I'm not going in there, not with him," I shot back.

"Y/n, don't be afraid, it's just Five. I know you still have a crush on hi-"

"Lies," I cut her off.

"Come on y/n, be brave. If it gets out of hand, I'll kick him out, got it?" Vanya encouraged.

"Fine, but if he tries to talk to me, you better change the subject," I grunted.

I followed Vanya back into the room and I closed the door behind me. Vanya sat on the couch while I stayed in the kitchen, trying to be as invisible as I could. "Is that blood?" Vanya asked Five while eyeing the huge cut near his wrist.

"It's nothing," Five simply stated.

"Why are you here?" Vanya asked. I stayed in the darkness of the room, hoping Five would ignore me.

"I've decided you both are the only people I could trust," Five said looking at me first, then to Vanya. I stood there frozen, wondering what he means.

"Why us?" Vanya asked looking back at me.

"Because, Vanya, you're ordinary and you'll listen.. Y/n, I just don't know so much about you. We haven't talked properly since-"

"I don't like that cut on you're arm," Vanya admitted cutting Five off, "Y/n, go get something to clean it up."

I nodded and headed to the bathroom. I opened the mirror to reveal a shelf of pills and everyday medical supplies. I grabbed the bandages, cotton pads, and alcohol. I walked over to Vanya and handed her the things without making eye contact with Five.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight Vanya," I said while leaving the room. I was about to close my door when I heard Five and Vanya talking from the living room.

"When I jumped forward, I got stuck in the future. You know what I found? Nothing, absolutely nothing. As far as I could tell, I was the last person that was alive. And I never figured out who killed the human race, but I did find something else, the date it happens," Five explained, "the world ends in eight days, and I have no idea how to stop it."

After Five finished explaining, he looked at me as I stood in the hallway, shocked at what I was hearing. The world is going to end, and all of us are going to die?

Five frowned at me as well as he did Vanya. I tried to read his mind, and I know he knew what I was doing.

*y/n I know you're reading my mind. I want to stop the apocalypse, but you have to talk to me. You must be really mad at me for leaving you, and I'm truly sorry. But try to forget. If I don't succeed, we are all going to die. I want our last memories of each other to not be negative. Meet me at the Academy tomorrow at 8*

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