Chapter 10

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I woke up to a loud truck passing by my window. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my clock. It was 8:33. Usually, Vanya was at rehearsal by now. I got up and ate something for breakfast. I went over to the phone and called Klaus.

"Hey Klaus, I was wondering if you do something today?" I spoke into the phone.

"Sure, y/n! Can Ben come?" Klaus asked. I knew about Klaus's powers, obviously, and I also knew he talks to Ben a lot.

"I guess so. Can I meet you at the Academy at 1?"

"Ok, see ya then sis," Klaus said before hanging up.

I decided to finish my painting with the five hours I had. Once I was done and it was about 12:45, I left my building and walked a few blocks away towards the Academy. I guessed Five would be here, but I didn't really care. He's probably too wrapped up in Delores anyway.

I went to the kitchen where Klaus probably was, but instead of him, it was Vanya and Five. I hid around the corner to listen to their argument.

"Five! What is your problem?" Vanya asks.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Five said with Delores beside him.

"I'm talking about what you did to y/n yesterday."

"What did I do? Last time I checked, she was fine," said Five.

"You want to know what you did? You left y/n at those people's motel room! You just grabbed that thing and-"

"Her name is Delores," Five spat.

"This is exactly my point, Five. You're obsessing over a stupid mannequin! At least apologize when you see her."

"Don't call Delores stupid! She was there for me when I was stuck in the future. She's the only person I've ever loved!" Five exclaimed.

"You know that's not true Five, what about y/n, huh? What about all of us?" Vanya asked.

"All of you aren't important right now. What's important is Delores, and how we're going to stop the apocalypse, alone," Five said holding Delores closer.

"Unbelievable Five, you're completely insane. Now, I want you to apologize, for me, ok? After that, it's up to you on what you want to do? But please Five, apologize to y/n," Vanya pleaded.

"Fine, but anything else I do is none of your business," Five said leaving the room with a huff. He didn't see me as he walked by, all he did was spatial jump to his room.

"Y/n I know you're there," Vanya said turning around. I came out from where I was standing and into the room.

"Hey...Vanya," I waved. She gave me a look, asking what I was doing there. "I'm just here to meet Klaus, ok?" I admitted. She rolled her eyes and walked out. It seemed she was pretty annoyed with Five.


"Thank you for lunch, y/n! You're the best sis ever!" Klaus exclaimed giving me a hug.

"Your welcome. At least someone likes me," I sighed as we walked down the street.

"Why, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I think Five hates me, like, a lot," I admitted.

"What's there to hate?"

"I don't know, I-I guess I'm just worried, about what's going to happen soon," I said.

"Well, if you're really worried about your relationship, then go talk to him. And if he doesn't listen, make him," Klaus suggested.

"I guess you're right...I'll see you later," I said as we arrive at the Academy.

"Call me if you need me!" Klaus exclaimed before running into the alleyway.

I went upstairs and to the bedrooms, ready to confront Five. I look into his room to see him grunting softly as he stitches up a huge gash on his forearm. I cringe in disgust at the mass amount of blood. I watch as he takes a band-aid and sticks it on his arm. I blush a bit as he puts on his uniform, watching him fix his tie.

He then zips up a duffle bag with dELorEs in it. He was about to walk out of the room when he saw me standing there.

"How long have you been there?" He asks.

"Not relevant," I answer.

"Can you move? I have somewhere to b-" Five stops talking when he remembers something, which I can hear:

*please Five, apologize to y/n*

It was him remembering what Vanya said. He sighed before saying, "I'm...sorry, y/n."

"For?" I ask.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you when you were basically kidnapped. There, I said it," He apologized. I stood there silent, not knowing what to say.

"Do you forgive me?" He asks.

"I...I don't know, Five. I'm just...really upset with you right now.," I admit.

"You can come with Delores and I today, if you'd like. Maybe that would make up for it," Five suggested.

"Sure," I agreed, following him out and to the back. There was a van parked in the alleyway. Five hopped into the van and started it.

"Are you coming?" He asked me. I shrugged and followed him into the passenger seat. He drove around town, and arrived at the lab from yesterday.

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