Chapter 13

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By now, Luther and Diego left to buy lunch for us. Five was still sleeping and I was still sitting next to him. I was getting really tired of doing nothing, so I decided to sleep for a bit. I sat on one of the chairs in the room and tried to fall asleep.


I started to wake up, but I kept my eyes closed because I head talking. "What did she say about me?" I heard Five ask, practically in my face.

"She didn't say any-"

"She said you looked adorable in your sleep," I head Diego cut Luther off I think he distance. (Which means Five is closer to me and Luther and Diego are on the other side of the room).

What a lie, all I did was agree on what Diego said about Five. Is he trying to embarrass me? "R-Really? That was nice of her to say..." Five trailed off.

I started to become aware of my surroundings. I wasn't in the chair anymore, but on the bed. Someone must have moved me while I was asleep.

"She also sat next to you all night, making sure you were safe," Diego added. I heard Five laugh quitely. "It was really brave of her. You could have awoken at any moment and say, 'Where's my mannequin?' " Diego laughed.

"Do you always have to be so annoying all the time?" Five asked.

"Y/n gets pretty annoying when she keeps telling me to shut up-"

"I heard that, so shut up," I said opening my eyes and sitting up properly.

"Good, you're awake," Five says to me.

"I know, I know, aren't we all thrilled?" I asked sarcastically. Five rolls his eyes and gives me space to get up. I walk over to the small mirror in the corner of the room. "I'm going home," I said tiredly because I looked horrible. I grabbed the small bag I take with me everywhere and started heading for the door.

"Wait, you can't leave!" Luther exclaims.

"Yes I can, you don't need me anymore. Five isn't drunk, so I can go home." I explain leaving the building. As I was walking out, Five teleported next to me. "Oh my god," I say startled. Five gives me a small smirk, remembering how much I hated it when he teleported next to me out of nowhere. "What do you want?" I ask.

"You dropped this," he said handing me a small piece of paper. I look at it, and it's that damn photo I took from his room. I immediately stuff it in my bag, hoping he didn't look at it, which he probably did. "Have you had that since I left?" He asked.

"No...I found it when I went back for the funeral," I admit.

"So you went through my things?"

"Not necessarily," I lied. Five just shrugged and continued walking with me towards my apartment. "Are you going to follow me forever?" I ask after walking for quite some time.

"Yeah, about that, do you mind if I stay at your place? I know Hazel and Cha-Cha won't look for me there. They think you're worthless," Five said.

I gave him a surprised look, "How do you know that?"

"Because I head Cha-Cha say so when she tied you down to a chair. I was there, remember?" Five answered.

"Oh yes..yes I remember. I remember you leaving me for that stupid mannequin," I say annoyed.

"I thought I told you I was sorry," said Five. "So, can I stay at your house?"

"Fine, you can stay in Vanya's room. She's basically living with her new boyfriend," I say.

"Thanks, y/n, you've always been the nice one of the bunch," Five complemented.



"Y/n...y/n, wake up!" I heard someone call while shaking me. I opened my eyes to see Vanya hovering over me. "What is Five doing in my room?"

", he needed a place to stay. So, I told him he could stay here. I thought you were with your new boyfriend?" I said.

"We're not on that level yet. Can you please tell him to stay somewhere else?" Vanya asked.

"I can't do that!" I exclaim, "It would be rude."

"Fine, then he can stay in your room."

"What about me?"

"Share the bed!" Vanya said frustrated, walking out of my room. I groaned and got up. My clock read 11:30, which meant she woke me up for no reason. I go across the hall into Vanya's room.

Five is seen awake and staring out the window. "Five, can I talk to you?" I ask. Five looks ay me and nodded. "It turns out Vanya isn't staying with her boyfriend, which means-"

"Which means I have to leave, typical." Five sighs, walking towards the door.

"Wait, Five, you can stay. But, you'd have to stay in my room," I explained.

"Well, it's not like you haven't stayed in my room before. Now I'm just, getting back at you," Five tried to joke. I look away in embarrassment, remembering those times I would spend the night in Five's room when I got scared.

"You're right, sorry about that, by the way," I say.

"Don't be. It was cute," Five smiled before spatial jumping to my room.

I rolled my eyes and went to find Vanya and tell her she has her room back. "Vanya? Your room is cleared," I say, walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks y/n. Also, I heard Five call you cute. You must be so happy," Vanya teased.

I gave her a light shove saying, "I hate you sometimes."

"Oh, you love it when I tease you about Five." I rolled my eyes and headed to my room. I walked in and saw Five looking through my things.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Looking through your things," Five said bluntly. I went over to him to see what he was looking at. He found my secret sketchbook.

"Don't look at that, it's private," I say snatching the book from his hands.

"Come on y/n, I want to see your drawings. It's been forever since I have," Five pleaded.

"If you want to see my drawings, look at my website," I simply say, putting the book somewhere else when Five wasn't looking. "Now, it would be nice if you stopped looking at my things."

"What? You looked around my room! I know because some things were missing," Five said.

"All I took was a photograph, that's it. And I did look at your things, so what? You weren't there to stop me," I admit. Five rolled his eyes and headed for the bed.

"Are you pulling an all nighter?" He asked considering I was still standing where he was looking at my things .

"No..." I trailed off, getting into my bed hesitantly. I lay down facing away from Five, too embarrassed to look at him.

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