Chapter 17

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All of a sudden, Hazel and Cha-Cha came out of the blue car that pulled up in front of us. They were wearing black suits along with their infamous masks.

Luther and I stayed by the car as Five walked towards them. "The masks really necessary?" Five asked before they threw their masks to the ground.

"So wear is it, kid?" Cha-Cha asked annoyed.

"Wow, that's how you're gonna start. You know, we can get right back in our car and call it a day," said Five.

"You won't even make it halfway there," Cha-Cha said, pulling out a gun.

"Five! Be careful!" I called worried.

"Don't worry, y/n, he'll be fine," Luther told me. Hazel, Cha-Cha, and Five continued to talk, but i wasn't listening.

"I know, but...I'm just worried, okay?" I say. And just like that Five walked away towards our car. They must have came to an agreement. "What happens now?" I ask Five.

"Now we wait," Five answered, watching Cha-Cha dial a phone number. All of a sudden, I start to hear music coming from a distance away. Five and Luther must have heard it too because they turned their head towards the noise.

An Ice Cream truck appears what seems like out of no where. It passes by us and Klaus and Diego can be seen inside. "Klaus?" I ask as he waves to us.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Five says to himself. The truck is about to hit Hazel and Cha-Cha when all of a sudden, it stops. Not just the truck, but time itself. I look around confused, it seems that everything is frozen except for Five and I.

Five grabs my hand as he starts walking towards the truck. "Neat isn't it?" a voice says from behind us. Five and I turn around to see a tall women dressed in black. "Hello Five, Y/n," she says, "You both look good, all things considered."

"It's good to see you again," Five says to her.

"Who is she?" I whisper to Five.

"The Handler," he whispers back quickly.

"Feels like we met just yesterday. Course you were a little bit older then. Congratulations on the age regression, by the way. Very clever. Threw us all off the scent." 'The Handler' said to Five.

"Ah, well, I wish I could take credit. I just miscalculated the time dilation projections, and...well, you know. Here I am," Five said.

"At least you're the same age as your girlfriend. You could catch a major case if you were 58 in this modern time," The Handler joked, "But why don't you tell me what you really want?"

"I want you to put a stop to it," Five says, referring to the apocalypse.

"You realize what you're asking for is next to impossible, even for me. What's meant to be is meant to be. Just like you and your girlfriend," She teased.

"Y/n is not my girlfriend," Five said, which hurt a little.

"This fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the just that. A fantasy," The Handler said, walking closer to us.

"Hold it for a second," I interfere," "What does this have to do with me. Is there a reason i'm not frozen right now?"

"Oh, yes, I've forgotten. I wanted to offer you both a new position back at the Commission, in management," she offers.

"Sorry, what was that?" Five asks.

"Come back to work for us again. You know it's where you belong. As for you, y/n, I think you'd fit right in along with Five."

"It didn't work out too well the last time," Five reminded her.

"But you wouldn't be in the correction division any longer. I'm talking about the home office. You'd have the best health and pension, and an end to this ceaseless travel. You'd also get a private room just for you two. What do you say, kids? You can't be happy living like this," The Handled said.

"We're not looking for happy," Five answered for us.

"We're all looking for happy. We can make that happen. We can make you...yourselves again. Right, y/n? You lived 16 years without Five. Why don't you come with us and make up all those years for being alone. You'd be with Five everyday. I know that's what you've always wanted," she said to me.

"What are you? My therapist? I can handle myself, I did handle myself. You think I need some stupid boy to make me happy? No! So why don't you just leave me out of your conflict, alright?" I said angrily. They both looked at me shocked. I turned my head to Five, he looked hurt. I kind of felt bad for what I just said, but i've bottled up so many emotions over the years, I guess it's finally getting out.

"I want my family to survive. All of them," Five said changing the subject, completely ignoring my outburst.

"Well, i'll see what I can do. Do we have a deal?" The Handler asked, holding her hand out. Five took her hand and time unfroze. Hazel and Cha-Cha fell and the ice cream truck ran into their car. I looked around, Five was gone.

"Five? Five!" Luther and I called. But there was no sign of him. The Handler must have taken him with her. "What are you guys doing here? Get in the car!"Luther yelled at Klaus and Diego, throwing them in the back seat. I got in the front seat with Luther before he started the car and drove away.

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