Chapter 14

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The seven of us sat in a row of chairs. We waited for Dad to come into the room and explain to us what we're doing.

"You might be wondering why your are all here. Today you are getting our logo tattooed on your wrist. I thought the this would be necessary because of obvious reasons. Number One, you're up first," Dad explained.

*the only downside of being number one,* I heard Luther think. I watched everyone get their tattoos. It looked so painful, and I was not ready to get mine done.

"Number Eight," Dad called. I stood up and slowly walked over the the chair. I sat down and immediately started to sweat. The man doing our tattoos grabbed my arm and cleaned it. Then, he turned the ink gun on. I closed my eyes, cringing at the horrible pain I was experiencing.

I kept my eyes closed the whole time, not wanting to look. "Done," I head the man say. I opened my eyes and started at my wrist. The Umbrella Academy logo was printed. I started at it in awe, shocked that I have a tattoo.

I looked around at everyone, who were also staring at their wrists. Klaus was trying to calm down Allison (making Luther jealous), Mom was trying to calm down Diego, Ben was silently crying, and Five was sat on one of the chairs, looking down.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I sit next to Five.

"I-I guess so. Are you?" Five answers.

"I think I'm okay. But poor Vanya, huh? She doesn't even get one," I sigh.

"Yeah, well, what can you do? Nothing. If I was a Dad, I would still include her," Five said.

"That's sweet, Five," I smiled.

"Yeah, whatever," Five said, trying to be tough.

"Hey, do you want to hang out tonight?" I ask.

"Sure, we could watch a movie. I picked up some good ones on our recent free day," Five smiled.

"Great! I'll come to your room at 7?"

"Its a date," Five says before patting my shoulder and walking over to Ben.

a/n: watta short chapter :/

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