Chapter 18

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"We need to talk. You, me, and the others. So meet me in the living room," said Luther, barging into my room. I nodded and put down the book i was reading.

I went downstairs to see Luther, Allison, Diego, and Klaus standing in the living room. "The world is ending in three days?" Allison asked as I sat down.

"That's what Five said," answered Luther.

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it," Klaus says.

"When does he not?" I add.

"Can we trust Five? I don't know if you've noticed, but Fives a little crazy," Allison points out.

"Our little psycho," Klaus sighs.

"He was pretty convincing. If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, he'd have asked y/n out by now and those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him," said Luther.

"That's why they were after him?" Diego asks.

"Are we just going to gloss over the fact that all of you keep talking about Five and I? It's never going to happen, not with Delores in the picture," I say annoyed.

"It doesn't matter y/n. None of it does, ok? Anyway, what did Five even see?," said Allison, going back to the conversation.

"Uh...Apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible," Luther says.

"Basically, we died," I flatly say. Everyone looks at me as soon as I said that. "What? It's the truth," I rolled my eyes.

"How did you even find out about that?" Luther asks.

"I have ears you know," I say back.

" here's the plan. We go through Dad's research-"

"Wait, what?" Allison cuts him off. I groan in annoyance, Luther always has to bring Dad into things.

"Let's go back to the dead thing? We all die? Just like that?" Klaus asks.

"Yes, but-"

"Is it just us?"

"It's everybody. Everyone dies," I answer.

"What's going on?" I look over to see Vanya with Leonard next to her.

"It's a family matter," Allison said.

"So you couldn't bother to include me," Vanya sighed

"No, it's not like that. We were-"

"I won't interrupt," Vanya said before walking away.

"Wait! I'll fill you in later at home," I said walking towards her.

"Please, don't bother. And I won't either," said Vanya.

"I was going to call you were hanging out with Lenard and I didn't want to interrupt-"

"It's fine, y/n. I'll just be on my way," Vanya said before leaving. I started to run after her but Luther stopped me.

"Wait, we need to figure out what caused the apocalypse. Now, there are many possibilities. Nuclear war, asteroids. But i'm thinking this is about the Moon. Right? Dad must have sent me up there for a reason," Luther said.

"How many times do I have to say that Dad sent you up there to get you out of the house!" I say annoyed. "We need a new plan rather than using Dad's research."

"We all died fighting this thing the first time around, remember?" Klaus said.

"Klaus shockingly has a point. What gives us a win this time?" Diego asked.

"Five. Last time we didn't have him. We weren't all together " I said.

"So, where's Five now?" Allison asked.

"He's with the Handler," I answer.

"The who?" everyone asked.

"The Handler. She's this tall woman that runs something called 'The Commission'. She offered Five and I a job there, but I turned it down. Five agreed, but only to try to change the timeline. Apparently that place controls time, so with him in the inside, he might be able too. He'll be back soon, I bet," I explain.

"I'm going after Hazel and Cha-Cha," Diego abruptly said.

"What, right now?"

"Hell yeah. Three days. I'm losing light by the minute," Diego answered.

"Diego, look, I know you want to avenge your friend, but we got a bigger problem here," said Luther.

"She wasn't just some friend! If i'm going to die, I need to know I killed those bastards first," Diego said walking away. Klaus then left too, talking to himself.

"It's just us three now," Luther pointed out.

"Two. I'm going to go find Five," I said before leaving too. I grabbed my bag and walked out the doors.

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