Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV


I awoke to the bell ringing for breakfast. I lazily got up and put my uniform on. Breakfast was the most awkward meal time because everyone was too tired to do anything. I stepped out of my room to see Diego, Klaus, and Ben making their way downstairs. I looked behind me and saw Vanya walking over to me.

"Morning Y/n," She said with a yawn. "Hi, where is everyone else?" I asked. "Well, Luther and Allison are having their usual morning hangout and I think Five is still sleeping. He's usually arguing with Klaus about something at this time," Vanya said. "Oh, well, I should probably go wake him up. I bet Dad wouldn't like us to be late," I said waving bye to Vanya and heading in the direction of Fives room. "Hurry up!" Vanya called as I opened Five's bedroom door.

I closed the door behind me while looking to see is we was sleeping, which he was. He was laying on his side, half of his face buried in his pillow. His mouth was open in the slightest bit and he was breathing quietly. I just stared at him, not knowing what to do. But then I head the warning bell, which meant that we had to be downstairs in less than 10 minutes.

I went over to Five and shook him lightly. He stirred a bit, then opens his eyes. "Hey Five," I whispered, "We have to be downstairs in 10 minutes." Five then sat up and stretched slightly. His hair was messy and his shirt was crooked. "Morning, Y/n. I'll be down soon, thanks for waking me up," Five smiled tiredly. I just nodded and walked out of his room, smiling to myself.


We all stood at the table, waiting to be told to sit. After a minute or so, Dad came into the room and turned on the radio. "Sit," he ordered while siting. We all sat and started eating. I was sat between Five and Diego, who were both eating quietly until I heard Five slam his knife on the table.

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