Chapter 5

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We all sat around the fire place as Luther was explaining the funeral to us. I was barley paying attention to what he was saying, I could care less.

I just sat there and stared at Five's portrait on the wall. He was so young, and he just disappeared, like that. God knows where he is. He could be dead, never getting much freedom as he hoped he would have.

It all made me sad, thinking about it. But, I tried not to be. I held back tears as Luther went on and on about dad's monocle.

"...he thinks one of us killed dad," Diego said with a sigh. Everyone just groaned and started leaving the room. I, having no idea what was going on, just followed Allison upstairs. I haven't seen my bedroom since I left, and I was wondering if it was still the same.

I walked into the small bedroom and looked around. All my drawings and books were still there. I looked through the sketchbooks and cringed at my horrible drawing at the time. I then wandered into the hall and in the direction towards Five's room.

I felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me as I opened the door...


I woke up in a cold sweat. I just had another nightmare about something happening to the Academy, like it's going to be destroyed one day. These dreams always make me anxious and I could never calm down. The only person I know that could help me is Five, but he probably doesn't want to be bothered at two in the morning.

Without thinking, I got up and sneaked down the hall towards Five's room. I hope I don't wake anyone up because boy who knows how much trouble I'd be in.

I opened his door quietly and saw him sound asleep. I crept towards his bed after closing the door. I put my hands on Five's shoulders and started to shake them.

"Five...Five...wake up, please," I whispered shaking him.

"Y/n? What do you want?" He said tiredly with his eyes barley open.

"I-I had that nightmare that I was telling you about again," I said.

"A-Are you ok?" Five asked while sitting up slightly.

"Not really, do you mind if I stay with you for a while?" I asked cautiously.

"Uh..yeah...of course y/n. But be quite and don't stay too long. Anyone could walk in here and yell at us," Five whispered, moving over to make room for me.

I crawled into his bed and gave him a hug. "Thanks Five, you're the best brother anyone could ask for," I smiled, trying to not make it obvious that I'm totally not freaking out right now.

"No problem, sis, I'm glad I could help," Five signed before wrapping an arm around me and falling asleep...

-flashback over-

I stared at the bed and the walls, remembering all those times we hung out together. I waked I the room further and looked around his things that were still there.

I saw his desk covered with old magazines and newspapers with the umbrella academy all over it. I also saw a few of my drawings I let him take.

His bookshelf had many comic books instead of actual books. But sometimes he would borrow the many books I had and keep them in his room.

I looked around some more and almost left, until I noticed a small box sitting right next to his closet. I looked inside to see multiple photos of me, Five, and the rest of our siblings. They were mostly polaroids of Five and I.

I picked up one of the photos on the top of the pile and looked at it. It was a photo of me at Five at Griddy's just after eating 3 whole donuts each for a dare. He had chocolate frosting all over his face while I had sprinkles on mine. Klaus must have takes that since he was the one who dared us.

I smiled as I looked at our faces even more. We looked so happy, so innocent...


I whipped my head towards the window to see blue lights flickering and thunder and lighting coming from the sky. I stuffed the photo in my back pocket and immediately ran downstairs as everyone else was too.

We ran outside to see this vortex sort of thing. All of us were spitting out questions on what it could be and I started getting worried.

"Guys! I don't like this!" I yelled over the loud noises.

"Me neither! Let's go inside!" Klaus yelled back before taking my hand and pulling me inside. 

"Klaus! Wait! Let's see what it is," Luther said.

"And get killed by some unknown force? Yeah, no thanks," I shouted.

"Guys! Look!" Allison shouted pointing at a man pushing through the-whatever it is. We all stood there and watched as a figure fell down out of thin air. The vortex thing went away and the sky became bright again. I stood behind everyone as they all inched closer to the body on the ground.

The person stood up and looked at all of us, but I couldn't see it's face behind everyone. "Does anyone else see little number Five or is that just me?" Klaus asks us. Five? Is that really Five? I kept trying too look until I got a clear view of him.

It really was Five. I shook my head a bit to make sure I was dreaming, but I wasn't. He was actually here.

"Y/n?" Five asked in shock.

"I can't do this," I mumbled to myself before running back inside.

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