Chapter 19

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I walk into the library and sit down at one of the computers. "The...Commission..." I say to myself as I type. I hit enter on the key and only one article pops up. I click on it and immediately the whole computer shuts down. "Dammit," I mumble angrily.

I need to find Five. We only have three days left to live and I don't want to be without him.

This whole time I completely forgot about my powers. I haven't tried before, but maybe I could reach Five's mind. I doubt it, but it's worth a try.

I grab all my stuff and run into the bathroom. I lock my self in one of the stalls and put my bag down. I try to remember what Dad said one time...


"Remember, number eight, you aren't at your full potential yet," Dad said, "There's still many things you have to learn. But you're not ready."

"When will I be ready?" I asked. Dad hesitated, before walking away. I used my powers to try to read his mind...

*If only she knew what was going to come. Only if he was still here...if he had listened to me...*

What could Dad mean by that? Sometimes, I never understand him...

*flashback over*

Of course he meant Five, I realize that now. But...why? Why not any other of my siblings? Maybe that could be why everyone keeps talking about us two.

Diego said a few days ago, "But what you and Allison 'have', is nothing compared to Y/n and Five. They have something special, and you know it"

And The Handler said "What's meant to be is meant to be. Just like you and your girlfriend"

It all makes sense now, to me at least. There must be some sort of connection between Five and I. It doesn't matter now. I have to get Five so we can stop the apocalypse.

I sat down in the corner of the stall (i was in the handicap one) and closed my eyes. I searched for Five's mind, but I couldn't find it. I did hear a few words, they sounded like him.

*...i don't belong...killer...*

I searched even more, growing weaker by the second. Suddenly I heard a loud bang come from outside. I ran out of the bathroom to see Five on the ground, holding a brief case. He looked around and quickly got up.

"Y/n! Y/n, oh my god I'm so glad to see you. Here," Five said quickly, taking my hand.

"Ok, but-" I was cut off by the feeling of being sucked through the air. It was only a second, though. I looked around and we were at the Academy. That brief case must have been a teleportation/time travel device.


"Y/n! You were just sitting there. And now you're there!" Klaus exclaimed, pointing all over the room.

"Five? What just happened?" I asked.

"I just teleported us back a few hours," Five said before rolling off the table we landed on. I got up too and groaned. I felt like I broke my back.

Five started limping away. "Five? Who did this to you?" Allison asked, concerned about why Five looked like he just got hit by a bus.

"Irrelevant," said Five.

"Y/n! Go help your boyfriend !" Klaus whispered to me. I glared at him before running over to Five and helping him to the couch. He sat down and started talking about the apocalypse...again. He kept saying how we can stop it if we all work together, he has leads, and he knows who's responsible.

I was super confused with everything he was saying. I was still in shock I time traveled, no one fills me in on this stuff, and i'm in a lot of pain.

"Harold Jenkins? Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego asked.

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