Chapter 23

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"Y/n, stop being so annoying," Luther spat at me.

"Me? Annoying?" I asked.

"Yes, you! You won't shut up about the book you just finished! Can you just leave me alone and go bother someone else?" Luther asked rudely.

"Fine," I grumbled, walking out of his room. All I wanted to do was talk to someone, but I guess not. I walked down the hallway and into Klaus's room, maybe he would like to talk to me.

"Hey, Klaus," I smiled, sitting on his bed.

"Hey, sis. What's up?" He responded.

"Nothing, just Luther being annoying again," I sighed.

"What did he do this time?" Klaus asked.

"Nothing really, I was just being annoying I guess," I said.

"You're not annoying. I love your company," Klaus smiled.

"Thanks, Klaus. I just wish people would understand the fact that now with Five gone, I'm going to have to talk to someone else but him," I explained.

"I understand, I bet you miss him a lot, right?" He asked.

"Um...yeah, yeah I do," I admitted.

"He'll be back soon, don't worry," Klaus comforted me. I just nodded looked down at my shoes.

"Hey, I know what will cheer you up! Let's go to Ben's room!" Klaus exclaimed standing up. I agreed and followed him to the next room over.

"Ben! Let's go for a walk!" Klaus said jumping on top of Ben, who was quietly drawing at his desk.

"" Ben said trying to push Klaus off of him. Klaus got up and waited for Ben to follow. Once he did, Klaus grabbed both Ben and I's hands and lead us downstairs.

"Where are you three headed off to?" Dad asked, causing us to stop mid step.

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