Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV

Today Dad said we could go anywhere we like, since it's our "free day". Once in a while, we are aloud to roam around the streets and just hang out, not fighting anyone of course. This time I decided to go to Griddy's Donuts and hang out there.

As I was walking towards the door, I heard footsteps from behind me. I turn around to see Five. "Hey, Y/n, do you mind if I join you?" He asked. I nodded while making my way inside. It wasn't very busy today, which is great. I like quiet.

I went up to the counter and sat down with Five next to me. Agnes came up to me and asked, "What would you kids like?" "I'll have an ice coffee," I said. "and I'll have a black coffee," Five also said. She looked at up weirdly, because apparently "kids shouldn't be having coffee". Five and I liked coffee, even thought we could barely have it in the house.

Agnes brought us our coffee, in a to-go cup , and I put a five dollar bill on the table for both of our coffees. Five took it off the table and put a bill of his own and handed me back mine. I put mine back, not wanting him to pay for me. Luckily, Agnes took my five dollar bill before Five could swap it out. I gave him a smirk, getting off my chair and leaving the cafe. He spacial jumped next to me while asking, "hey, are we going back to the academy?" "If you want," I said, "but I was thinking we could walk around town." He nodded his head and smiled that creepy/cute smile of his.

We walked the streets and talked with each other about everything. Every day we spend together we get closer and closer. I've always had a crush on him, actually. I first realized I like liked him when he stood up for me when Dad was criticizing my powers during testing. Then I knew that I really liked him, a lot. But I'm pretty sure he has a crush on Vanya. Whenever I'm not with him, he's with Vanya. I always see them laughing, and I all I could be is jealous. But I'll get over it, I hope.

By now we walked around town three times while Five was rambling about whatever he was leading on about. I finished my coffee a while ago, actually on our first lap. But I continued to listen to Five, admiring the afternoon sun lighting up his green eyes. He stopped talking, but I hadn't noticed, I just kept staring at him. "Y/n..Y/n! Are you listening to me?" He yelled. "Huh? What?" I snapped back into reality. "I asked you if you wanted to come with Vanya and I to the movies later," Five said. I nodded walking into the Academy that we were now in front of. Inside, Klaus and Ben were sitting on the steps talking.

"Hey kids! What were you guys doing?" Klaus asked. "You know we're all the same age, right?" Five asked. Klaus just ignored his comment and continued talking to Ben. I shrugged and went upstairs and to my room. Five spacial jumped next to me, again, and followed me. "So I was thinking we would go in an hour, so we could get there early and get good seats," Five said. "What are we watching, anyways?" I asked Five, who was now sitting on my bed. "Vanya suggested that new horror movie, The Ring (that actually came out when they were supposedly 13)," Five said. "Oh well, I would see that," I said. Five smiled and nodded, teleporting out of my room. I rolled my eyes and picked up a book.


I started to sketch Five in my sketchbook because he's all I could think of at the moment. I drew his facial features, then his hair, and his clothes. I started at my drawing and sighed, thinking about him. It's been almost a year since he disappeared. I miss him everyday, and I still can't believe I didn't stop him from time traveling. I was so stupid last year, how I wasn't able to be strong enough to fight back.

Anyways, I got up from my desk and went into Vanya's room. We became really close after Five left. I sat on her bed and sighed. She turned around from staring out the window and asked, "You're still think about him?" I nodded slightly with a frown on my face. "Y/n, you have to get over him. We all have. We know he's probably not coming back." Vanya said sadly, sitting down next to me. "I know...but...I really, I mean really, liked him. He was all I could, or still, think about," I sighed.

"Well, there's nothing I can do. All we could do is hope that there is a slight chance he might come back," Vanya said sadly, trying to comfort me. "You really think it's possible?" I asked. "Of course, we know Five better than anyone. We know he'll never give up if it means he can see us, and you especially, again," She reassured. I nodded and wiped my eyes, which were watering a bit. "I'm going to go back to my room, thanks Vanya," I smiled, getting up and leaving.

A/n This chapter is pretty short but I think the story is coming along!

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