Chapter 29

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I followed Five into the clothing store. He told me he wanted to do one last thing before we spend the day together. He carried a duffle bag on his shoulder, putting in down once we reached the center of the store. He opened the bag and pulled out Delores. "Do you mind leaving us alone for a minute?" Five asked politely.

"Sure," I smiled backing away and to another aisle.

"I bet it feels good to be back," Five said to Delores, placing her in the display, "amongst your friends. And it's okay, you can...say it. We always were an unlikely pair. But...I've found someone else now, and I've moved on." I knew Five was talking about me. "I'll never forget you, Delores." Five picked up the empty bag and turned around, walking towards me.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Sure am," Five smiled. I grabbed Five's hand and lead him out of the store.

(Time Skip)

Five and I sat in the corner booth at Griddy's. It was almost closing time. After spending the entire day together, I decided that Griddy's was the best place to end a great afternoon.

I sipped my coffee as I listened to Five rant about some math equation he created while in the future. "...and i'm pretty sure that if I rewrite it, y will equal four squared. But i'm not sure...what do you think?" Five asked.

"Well, i'm not one for math. Maybe tomorrow we can go to the library and find something that might help y-" I was cut off buy a loud noise coming from the distance. "Woah, what was that?" I asked. Five looked at me before running outside. I ran after him, forgetting to pay.

He stood in the parking lot, staring in the distance. He also held a newspaper in his hand.  "Is it just me, or do you think something bad just happened?" Five asked without looking at me.

"I think so...why are you holding that?" I questioned.

"Let's go to the Academy, maybe we'll find out there," Five suggested, ignoring my question.

"Okay," I said. Five took my hand and teleported us. I opened my eyes at looked at the Academy. It was destroyed. Bricks and wooden pieces were all in a pile. There were also some flames scattered around too. There stood Diego, Luther, Klaus, and Allison on top of the mess.

"Guys! This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today," Five said while walking towards them, still holding the newspaper.

"I thought you said it was over," Luther said.

"I was wrong, okay? Y/n made a very good point earlier, and I didn't really believe it, no offense," said Five.

"Non taken," I said, rolling my eyes slightly.

"This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed," Five stated, holding up the newspaper.

"No, that's doesn't mean anything. Time could have been altered since that newspaper came out this morning," Diego denied.

"You're not listening to me. When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else," Five explained, referring to the Academy, "But here we are. The Moon's still shining, the Earth is in one piece, but not the Academy."

"I'm confused..." said Klaus, grabbing the newspaper.

"Then listen to me, you idiot!" Five exclaimed. "Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse."

"We have to find her," I stated. All of sudden bright lights flash at us. I look up to see two helicopters hovering over us.

"We gotta go, now," said Diego.

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