Chapter 12

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We both sat in the dark, quite street. I haven't said a word to Five because he just keeps ignoring me.

"You know, you don't have to tell me that. I know there are only six days left...yeah, you got a better idea? Okay, then," Five scoffs. I didn't try talking to him, I knew it wasn't worth it. "There's our guy," Five says looking at Lance coming out of the building.

"yippee," I mumble, uninterested.

"Y/n, you know I'm not forcing you to be here. You could have gone home hours ago," Five told me.

"Well, I had nothing better to do," I say. I look at Five who is barley paying attention to me.

"What the hell is he up to?" Five asks under his breath.

"Actually, I am going to go home. You know what Five? I actually don't know what I'm doing here. I sit in the dirty van with you all day, and you don't say a word to me! I can't be-Five?" I interrupt myself to see Five gone. He must have special jumped out of the van to get a 'closer look'. "I can't believe this," I scoff, getting out of the vehicle.

I walk down the street and try to catch a cab. I finally get someone to stop and I tell them my street. They drive to my apartment building and I tip them as I get out. I open the door to my apartment and plop onto my bed.

If I have to do this again, I'm leaving before Five says one thing to Delores.


Today I decided to go back to the Academy, because why not? I only had six days left of being alive and I had nothing else better to do.

Once I arrive at the building, I walk upstairs, again. I hear a heated discussion coming from Fives room, so I go to see what was going on.

Inside, Luther and Diego were arguing about Dad and the moon and blah blah blah. "Y/n," Pogo says, causing Luther and Diego to stop talking.

"Hey...guys," I say awkwardly.

"Y/n, would you want to come with Diego and I? We we're going to go find Five. Maybe you could help us?" Luther asked.

"I guess so. But if I have to sit in that van for another 12 hours then I'm out," I say.

"Ok, let's go," Diego says. Luther and I follow him out of the room and out of the Academy. We take a walk down to the lab because wAlKinG iS gOOd fOr yOu.

Once we arrive, Luther tries to unlock the van, but fails. Diego succeeds and tries to go in, but Luther stopped him. "I'm One," he said before getting in the front seat. I follow Diego into the back. They both start going through Five's stuff, which I didn't want to do.

Diego pulls out a book with a bunch of research and says, "I know where to find Five." I look at the book and it says 'This Book is Property of The Public Library'.

"Of course," I whisper. Five is obviously at the library doing research. Typical.

We arrive at the Library and start looking on the different floors. We were on the fourth floor and the three of us split up. We looked around the many book shelves and there was no sign of Five. We then all met in the middle. "Anything?" Luther asks.

"No," Diego and I say. Luther sighs and starts walking away.

"You want to know why I left?" Diego says abruptly.

"What? What are you talking about?" Luther asks.

"Why I left the Academy," Diego answers.

"Yeah, cause you couldn't handle me being Number One."

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