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The cardboard, Uhaul box she lifted was clasped in her hands, a grunt exiting as she made her way to the new home. Sinai Dallas, better known as Sin, moved from her mom's place at the age of nineteen, hoping for a new beginning to her life. She was tired, an exasperated sigh escaping her full, glossy lips as her Hershey eyes looked back at the Uhaul. Her caramel skin was hot to the touch in the heat, but she absolutely wanted to make more progress with the pod.

She moved to a Latino dominated part of the town, about ten or so minutes from her former neck of the woods. It was closer to her job, her mom, and was just enough space away to have her freedom. She half expected brothers' to help, but they said they sent help, just ask the neighbors. Her pride had to be knocked down a few notches first. She approached the pod and looked at the boxes that stacked to the top, a humorless laugh escaping. "Ay mami. You Broad, Shots, and Ruthless lil sis?" She whipped her head around and met the honey gold's of one of her neighbors. He stalked her way, shirtless, sporting a cluster of tattoos on his chest and arms, muscular but not ridiculous, a shade of tan, and short cropped hair. He had rag in his dirty hands, wiping them with it.

She knew her brothers by their real names, preferring Braden, Chris, and Sean over their street names. She knew why they were called that, Braden being tall and stocky, could block anyone with his body and not budge, Chris being skilled with a gun, and Sean literally being ruthless when it came to getting a hit job done, he showed no mercy.

"Yeah." She scanned his face, not finding him ugly, but not particularly interested. "I'm Tiago. A vato was sent to help ya. Me and some others." A dazzling smile graced his face and knocked up a few points on her attraction towards him. She simply nodded. "You run wit the same people my brothers do?" He nodded, "Yeah." A whistle was heard and a stream of Spanish words were followed after. She turned a cluster of more of her neighbors in the cul-del-sac approached her home. "Don't worry mami. Go chill. We got it." Her head snapped to left, finding a tall Latino, towering over her with a smug smirk. His hair was shaved along the sides and back, the top left long, two cuts found in his eyebrows. He was fair skin, cocky, like he knew he was sexy. He had fuckboy written in permanent ink over his body, his energy. But that was Sin for you. She was attracted, caused, and embraced sinful things and sinful actions. "Sonny." He simply said, "And I know who are." He walked around her as she backed away from the pod.

The heat was overwhelming, and she didn't see how her ancestors stood and picked cotton in heat this bad, fully clothed. She felt overdressed in her white crop tank top that now was see through due to sweat, exposing her yellow bra, and her short, athletic shorts hardly covered her ass from the bending but she didn't care. They said they got it, so she let them have it. Sin waltzed back into her knew home, unpacking some boxes in with her box fan on full blast. With the constant moving of people coming in and out, she didn't want to waste air. She met eyes with Sonny as he walked in, a wink floating her direction as he placed a box down in front of her, muscles bulging. she had mixed feelings. This guy was an asshole, but a smug one and she couldn't ignore the heat between her thighs as he continuously nonverbally flirted with her.

"Sinna." Her gaze followed someone called Unc, someone who basically a brother to her parents, specifically her dad. He was the one of the only black guys in the neighborhood that she's seen in the hours she's been here. She figured he was the boss, like he was running shit around here. Her arms wrap around the man, a smile on her face. His folks called him Huncho, but she called him fam. "How's my niece doin'? Boys helpin' ya?" She nodded, unbeknownst to her receiving a few stares from the other men helping her. "Yuh. But ian seen my blood 'round here yet." Huncho nodded, "I gotchu. I'll make sure they pay a visit before night creeps on ya ass." She let out a snort, "Okay." He placed a cigar in his lips, motioning for the young girl to follow. "You know I stay right there, in between them two cribs." He pointed to the left and to his home. "If you need anything, find me." He walked off, sparking the cigar and raising a hand without looking at her.

"Huncho yo familia, chava?" An average, slim man approached her from behind. She recognized him, going by Lucho, which meant fight. His real name was Carlos Vera and he'd seen her around in high school when they went. "Not by blood." She answered him. She had the biggest crush on him back then, him having a similar hairstyle to Sonny, but the top longer, wearing his brown hair in a man bun, a crisp fade on the side with a design, and cuts in his right eyebrow. He was tanner than Sonny, but still fairly light. In a sense, she half expected him to forget her, but was surprised when he walked closer. "You Sin. We went to Crest High together." a smirk plays on his lips as a smile surfaces on hers. "Yeah. Lucho right?" He gave her a short nod, "Me and moms stay right next to you now. Why you move here?" She chuckled, "Shots, Broad, and Ruthless thought I'd be safer in this neck of the woods." His arms crossed, "Yeah? Where they at?" She shrugged, glancing at the half full pod. "Hell if I know. Them niggas stay disappearing like a baby daddy in the projects." He allows a muffled laugh to escape, "Vatos always gone huh? How they s'possed to watch ya when they ghost?" She shrugged, "I got Unc. and I stay strapped so I'm cool." He licks his lips, eyes darting around her face, "The whole block gon' protect you chava. You Huncho fam, and we protect ours."

Maybe it was the look in his eyes in the setting sun. She was attracted to the former classmate, heavily, and she was the most obvious person in the world. Sin wasn't innocent, if she knew she could have you, she would. Sin wasn't stupid, she knew how to shoot, cook dope, roll the perfect blunt, and sex you good. She wasn't as innocent as she was portrayed by her brothers.

The heat sufficed outside, but on the inside, she was on fire. "I'm headed to smoke, ma. You good?" Amber eyes peered into Hershey's, and with a short glance to her home, she politely declined. "Nah, not tonight. Gotta hold the fort down over here. But I gotchu, Lucho." The corner of his mouth twitched upwards in a half smile. "Aight ma." She bit her lip, walking back to her home.

Around nine to ten, the pod was empty. She smiled, thanking them as they left, promising she'd pay them back, them turning her down as family. Just as she closed the door, she turned and was face to face with Sonny. "Nigga you almost got hit wit this iron, fuckin' around like that." He brushed her off. "I ain't like them other vatos, chava. You gotta pay me back." He sat at her island, taking a slow sip of his drink, whatever was in it. She scanned his face, that cocky look on his face, that swipe of his tongue against his bottom lip. She squinted her eyes before rolling them. "Can't be pussy, you got hoes for that, my g." She walked over and begin scooting boxes with her feet to the side. "I jus' wanna know why they call yo fine ass Sin." Sin smirked, "Ask around. Maybe you heard of me." He shook his head. "Nah. I'm a hands on learner. I gotta test that shit to get it." A knock at the door, makes them turn towards it, "It's yo family." She let out a breath and opened the door, greeted by her brothers. Broad looked up and saw Sonny with a smug smirk on his face. "Get the fuck out, g. you'on't want these problems." Shots and Ruthless eyed him down. Sonny teased them with a smile. "I'm out bro." He got up and headed towards the door, looking over his shoulder, "I'll see ya, Sin." and walked out.

"That's a nasty ass nigga. Don't even go there wit that bitch nigga." Shots told his little sister. "The nigga a walking STD bro. I mean that shit." Ruthless reminded. She didn't care what they said. She was grown and she was going to whatever she felt like she wanted to do. For the sake of not fighting, she nodded, crossing her fingers behind her back.

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