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"Silver Rivera, better known as Sonny was a great, great man. He leaves behind one son... Soleado Rivera."

Sin sat next to Huncho with her newborn covered and protected. Angel was only a week old, and Lucho wasn't out of the hospital. She wasn't gonna miss this burial for the world.

Huncho peeked at baby Angel, him softly cooing at the baby. Angel stirred and let out small whines, Sin rocking him. Her nose took a hard sniff and noticed the slight rank scent in the air. Angel was using the bathroom. Sin quickly excused herself and went to change his diaper.

"When Sonny And Lucho were kids, they used to hang out at my home, staying up all night, watching movies. His favorite was Next Friday... he always liked Joker."

"My brother was so funny, he was always yelling at me for putting scary movies on. He hated them. It was so funny."

Sin chuckled at that, Huncho didn't know that much. It was a private fact that only a few knew.

Sin held Angel close as she approached the microphone, Angel now sleep.

"Hello. Many of you don't know me, many of you don't know us. My name is Sinai Dallas, the sister of the Dallas Brothers that so infamously hated each other. Sonny- excuse me- Silver revealed a lot of things only we'd know about, the ups, the downs, the in betweens." Sin made eye contact with his brothers, them looking at her with a grateful expression. "I love Sonny. And his death, really breaks my heart. But Sonny had enemies. Sonny and I had a love no one would understand." Baby Angel stirred, Sin holding him close. "With Soleado... Sonny is far from gone. He still lives in memories and his son... Thank you."

As the funeral ended, Sonny's mother approached Sin with a warm smile. "How's Lucho doing?" She wasn't stupid, she knew everything. "He's still in a coma. I'm headed there now actually." Sin told. "Yours and his son is truly beautiful." Sin smiled, lightly hugging the somber elder, and walked away.

Sin walked up to Lucho's room, taking a seat next to his unconscious body. He'd been in a coma and she was holding on by threads. "They buried Sonny today. It was pathetic. They had no idea what that bitch put me and through. But I paid my respects. Angel feels you not there. He misses your touch. I miss your touch. I want you home. I can't sleep in that bed by myself Lucho. You gotta wake up. Baby..." Tears streamed down her face. She was a mess without Lucho. Seeing his body like that, his hair still in those braids, chest slowly rising and falling. He was too still for her taste. She grabbed his hand kissing it softly and rubbing it with her thumb. "Please come back."

"Sin, babygirl... you gotta go home." Chris rubbed her back. "Or at least, lemme take care of Angel for a few days while you get it together." She shook her head, Angel stirring. "I can't leave him. It's been a week." Chris took a glance at Lucho who was laid still, his pink lips faded and chapped over, chest rising and falling slowly, eyelashes brushing over his cheeks, skin somehow paler. Then, he looked at the newborn who's cheeks were flushed, face looking exactly like his dad's, stretching and stirring awake. Amber eyes opened and Sin reached and grabbed a warm bottle and reached to get him out the carrier. "It's two right?" She asked, "Yeah," he answered. She cradled her newborn and bottle fed him.

"Sin...I gotta tell you something." Chris sighed. Sin looked to him, he could see how tired she was. "Lucho... He asked me to take care of you in case something happened. I know he told you, but it was more to the conversation." She listened intently, placing a blanket over her shoulder so she could burp her newborn. "Lucho had some favors owed to him from a few people, and after hearing about he was having a kid, they owed him." Sin didn't get it. "So what?" Chris leaned forward in her ear, lowering his tone, "Lucho has over a mill in his possession." She squeaked at that. She knew he made money, but she didn't know he was sporting that much. "He left half of it in your name and the other in his mom's." After a hefty burp from her little man, she cooed at him, "Oo that was a good one man man."

As the nurse came in, he froze. Lucho's body was twitching slightly, and she placed Angel in his carrier. Suddenly, Lucho's eyes slowly opened, he blinked slowly, eyes focusing on Sin. He swallowed hard, "Chava." She let out a sob of relief, going over to kiss his lips repeatedly. "Carlos, I thought I lost you." Her voice wavered, the nurse going to take his vitals. "Where's my son?" She bent down to pick up Angel, holding him so where he could see him. "Your Vitals are good, Mr. Vera. I'll send a doctor in."

"Lil nigga look just like me," Lucho's voice was hoarse. "Shut up," Sin giggled. Her baby was back, not her son, but her baby. "What happened?" He asked, him looking at Toy for answers. He knew Sin wouldn't handle it. "Sonny shot you twice, it clipped your trachea and I think an artery. You flatlined... twice. And fell into a coma for a week." Sin was trying to breath, Lucho looking her way, "Baby it's okay. I'm here ain't it?" That was true, but the thought of losing him, sent her in a state of shock and anxiety.

Her eyes shot down to her son, trailing them up to his eyes. Lucho weakly held her hand, "I'm here baby."

A few moments past before the inevitable question. "What happened to Sonny?" Sin licked her lips and closed the door. "Gave him three headshots and one body shot." Lucho's jaw dropped. "They had closed casket funeral today... I went to that." Lucho had to process, "Chava, you did what?" Sin let out a small laugh that no one returned. "I handled it." Lucho sat back, Sin giving Lucho the obituary.

Silver "Sonny" Ramirez
Sunrise June 6th 2000
Sunset August 30th 2021

They had a picture of Sonny smiling with Lucho as they sat on his porch with a blunt. They were eighteen.  Lucho finally let a breath. "Well I'll be damned." Sin rubbed his arm as he still held their son, "How do you feel?" Those amber eyes looked into the younger pair, "Like a nigga can live."

Lucho was able to go home after a few days, Chris offering to visit them to check on things. Lucho accepted. He could use a non toxic friend around. "Yo Toy?" Lucho called. Chris rolled his eyes. "Yeah?" As they set Angel in his room, Lucho sat on the couch. "Would you be my kid's God pops?" Chris smiled, "I gotchu. Thanks man."

And with that being said, Sin and Lucho managed to live life with each other in it.

"I wanna see him! Oh my, look at him." Rosalie cooed, looking at the baby who was sleep. "Mi nieto." Sin smiled at the older woman. "Ma, you got yo life to see my lil nigga. Let the others see." Lucho half smiled.

"Y Chava?" Sin looked at him, "Thanks for riding wit me."

"Always. Til I can't no more." She confirmed, pecking his lips softly.

Sin grabbed her son and cradled him, "Ten minutes of y'all not in my son face, thank you."

Lucho chuckled to himself, "Satan's lil Angel." He muttered, watching the beautiful, ruthless woman who not only killed his best friend, but a rival gang and would've killed Huncho for getting in her way, soften for the little boy she created with the man she loved.


There are a few "deleted scenes" I'm conjuring up so stuff can appear a certain way, understand everyone's role and place around Sin.

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