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"Hello whats goin' on?" The nurse asked. "She contracting a lot." The nurse quickly called the team down and admitted her into a room. "What's your relation to the patient?" The nurse asked. Lucho looked at Sin who was riddled in pain, panting.

"Her husband."

Making it into the room, her contractions subsiding for a minute, but they were getting closer together. Her parents made it there. "Huncho and them on the way, chava." He pressed a kissed to her forehead. "I'm in pain." She grunted, groaning. "Her contractions are more frequent." Her mom announced. The doctor came in to see how far she's dilated, "6 centimeters." The doctor announced. "Stop bullshittin'." She groaned, holding Lucho's hand and throwing her head back.

An hour later, she was 7 centimeters.

Two hours later she was finally 10 centimeters. It was go time.

Her dad stood on one side and Lucho on the other. They held her hands as she prepared for her first push.

"You're doin' good chava. Jus a lil more." He told her as sweat dripped down her forehead, her panting and crying a little. "Goddammit!" She was exhausted. "Alright Mrs Vera, push." She threw her head back and pushed, yelling. Her parents were on her side, Lucho on the other, holding her hands.

The sounds of baby cries filled the room and Lucho snipped the umbilical cord and they cleaned him off. Sin was exhausted, reaching for her baby as they handed him to her. Lucho and her looked at their baby, getting lost in his beauty.

"What's his name?" The doctors asked.

"Angel Adriano Vera." Sinai Arlenny Dallas signed and Carlos Adriano Vera signed as well.

Huncho came in with Rico and Fenz and they met Lucho's heir. "Meet Angel." She told, Lucho holding his son.

Lucho needed air, so he went downstairs for air, processing his new position. He was a dad, a father. He had to take care of his own now. He was a fiancé, a dad, he had his own family now. And hopefully it wouldn't be cut short.

Sonny appeared, Lucho noticing and taking a deep breath. "Congratulations." Sonny smirked. "Thanks." Lucho told, taking a step back as Sonny stepped forward. "What's his name?" Sonny took another step closer, "Angel." Lucho's heart was pounding, he didn't want to die, not on his son's birth. "Cute. A bouncing baby bastard." Just as Sonny reaches in the back to pull out his gun, Lucho had already pointed and shot Sonny in the chest. He fell back, gun in hand, breathing heavy. "Leave my son out yo lips." Lucho grunted.

Lucho's heart broke, having to shoot his friend, his best friend. Sonny rose, revealing the vest he wore. He rose his gun, "Night homey." and two shots were fired. Lucho fell back.

"Where's Lucho?" Sin asked, cooing at her baby. "Outside for ai-"Rico was cut off by the doctors rushing in. "Miss Vera. Your husband was rushed in the E.R. Shots were fired downstairs and was caught in the cross fire." Her world, it was crashing, her mom quickly took Angel out the room as she let out a loud, heart wrenching sob. Chris held her as she sobbed. "He's gonna be okay. His name is Lucho for fucks sake."

Sin wasn't supposed to get out of bed, but she did, wobbling in pain and all, downstairs. Huncho tried to stop her but she was a force. "Niece you really shouldn't be down here." She wobbled to the parking lot and saw Sonny. Sonny would never shoot her so she approached him with ease.

"Wifey... it's been forever." He smiled. "Fuck you." She spit, holding on the car for support. She was in so much pain. Huncho came behind her, trying to guide her back to the hospital, she let out a cry, Sonny sparking up to pitch in and help. "No get away from me!" She cried, snatching Huncho's gun and firing a shot in his torso so he'd back off. Sonny groaned in pain. Sin steadied her feet, pointing the gun right at Sonny's head. "A point for each life you almost ruined: Mine, Lucho's, and Angel's." She whispered. Sonny let a breath go, realizing this was it for him. "Sinai," he called, feeling light headed from his wound. "I love you." A tear escaped his and hers eye, as she softly told him, "I loved you too."

Pop! Pop! Pop!

"Son of a bitch."

Three head shots. Huncho helped her to the hospital where he put her in a wheelchair. "Clean up her mess." Huncho made a short phone call. Huncho owned this block, no one would get trouble for what just happened. He had connections after connections. She'd naturally get away with it and he'd get it cleaned up. She made it back to her room, too in pain to personally speak, not because she killed Sonny, but because she just gave birth and her husband is dying.

"Whats Carlos Vera's condition?" She asked around as the doctors continued to come in and run tests on Angel. There was no information. She felt herself falling into a depressive state, holding Angel close. "Daddy'll be back." She whispered, tears falling down her face.

"Angel's beautiful, Sin." Chris told, holding him. "Sinai, it's going to be alright." Her mom told, rubbing her back. "It's okay sweetie. I can assure you it's okay." Her dad told. Her brothers stood in the hallway, trying to regroup as Huncho told them what'd happen. "She did what?" Ruthless asked. "She did the job you'd been wantin' to." Broad shrugged, "Nigga had it comin'." Shots laughed a bit, "I jus wish it was me that did it." Huncho rolled his eyes. "Y'all where supposed to look after Lucho." The trio fell silent. "Now we don't know if Lucho alive or not. Y'all know what dat mean for Sin." They knew. Sin would no longer be the devil's advocate, but the devil herself. Satan. "She killed that nigga without hesitation, without blinking. She is dangerous. If Lucho don't make it out alive, she will snap."

In the surgery room, Lucho laid on the operating table, holding on for life. They worked on the bullets, removing one from his chest cavity. "Doctor I can't find the other one." One of them said. They looked at the  X-ray more closely, but tore away after hearing the fatal beep of Lucho flatlining. They quickly charged up the shockers, pressing it to his chest, "Clear!" The jolts sparked through his unresponsive body. They tried again, "Clear!"


"This is not happening." One of them muttered, turning on a higher voltage. "Clear!"

A heartbeat.

"We have to work quick! Find the damn bullet, we need more blood!"

The doctors worked on Lucho for a seemingly endless thirty minutes before finally finding the other bullet and removing it.

But it happened again.








"Please God... one more time. I just need to do this one more time."


A heartbeat. A steady heartbeat.

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