Chapter 22

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I woke up to a snoring Luke as the memories of last night resurfaced. I sighed and hugged his arms around me, not wanting him to wake up. His grip slowly tightened as he let out a warm breath on the back of my neck

"Luke?" I whispered, wondering if he was awake.

"Hmm?" He mumbled.

"I love you." I whispered as I felt him lean up to kiss my cheek.

"Love you too, Paige." He said softly, laying his head back down. I twisted my body so that our chests were pressed together as he placed his forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, stroking his hand through my tangled hair.

"I will beat your ass if you apologize one more time." I said, laughing softly. Luke smiled and shut his eyes. It was late by the time I actually calmed down last night and Luke and I hadn't gotten much sleep. Especially considering all of my nightmares.

"Remember the first time I told you I love you?" He asked suddenly.

"Yeah." I answered

"I didn't think you'd say it back because we barely even knew each other." He said, grinning

"I may not have known a lot about you, but I was utterly infatuated with you. And I still am. I remember seeing you in the hallways," I continued. "And you were always laughing. And you always came to me for every single homework. Even if you didn't need help." I said, laughing.

"And every time Justin made me feel like shit," I said quietly, "you'd have this look on your face. Like you really wanted to just beat the shit out of him." Luke let out a short laugh

"And I finally got to beat the shit out of him." He said proudly.

"Now we just gotta work on beating the shit out of my dad." I said jokingly. Luke's body tensed up and his eyes were looking everywhere but on me.

"Luke, it's okay. I can be sarcastic like that. It was just a joke." He nodded, searching for approval in my eyes and relaxed.

"Today is gonna be a good day." He stated.

"How do you know?"

"I just know." He smirked.


Luke's POV

Paige and I got up to get ready for the day.

"Wear something nice." I called over to her

"Why?" She asked

"Just do it." I replied.

"Like what?" She popped her head into my room

"I dunno. Wear a dress or something. You look pretty in dresses." She scrunched her nose in disapproval

"Stop doing that every time I tell you you're pretty."

"I can't help it."

"How do you not see it?" I asked, sitting on my bed.

"Would you like me to point all of my flaws out?" She asked laughing. My expression remained serious

"Why not. Tell me what you hate about yourself." She but her lip and gulped.

"Oh, well uh, first of all, my nose is god awful I mean look at that thing. It's huge. And then there's my eyes, they've got this ugly ass purple under them and that's WITH makeup. You should see me without makeup. And my smile makes me look like a freaking rat like ew." I slowly made my way over to her so our faces were just inches apart.

"And I'm fat as fuck. I'm a fatfuck. And I'm annoying, I never shut up and I get in everyone's way and I'm a waste of space and no matter how hard I try to be happy I'm just not, Luke. And I hate it. I hate myself. I just wanna d-"

I crashed my lips on to hers before she could finish her thought. I didn't want to hear what she was about to say, and I just couldn't handle her ripping herself apart like that. Her arms draped over my shoulders as my hands reached down to her waist. I pulled away after a couple moments and sighed, fluttering my eyes open to meet hers.

"You're beautiful okay? You are not a waste of space. Why do you think I fell in love with you in the first place." She looked down to her feet with a sad look.

"This is so hard." She muttered, resting her head against the wall behind her.

"I know. Hey, smile. Your smile is beautiful." Her mouth didn't move.

"Pweeease??" I pleaded, begging to see her happy.

"I should get dressed." She said bluntly, stepping away.

"Paige?" I asked, poking her side. She stopped and looked at me with a weird look


"Smile." She just stared at me like I was an idiot.

"Paige?" I poked her side again.

"Paige. Paige. Paige. Paige." I repeated her name over and over, poking her sides. She began giggling slightly.

"That's better." I said, gazing over her slight smile.

"You look like an idiot right now." She said as she walked away, shaking her head slightly.

"But I'm your idiot!" I called back. She didn't answer.


So this was kind of a filler chapter, but the next chapter will explain why they're getting kinda dressed up aw.

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