Chapter 34

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"Do you need anything?" I asked her, placing her water on the coffee table.

"No Luke. I'm fine I promise, come sit down." She said smiling. Paige got out of the hospital last week and she's been doing a lot better. The only thing really bothering her now is her head, but that's natural.

I sat down beside her and let her rest her head on my chest. Kissing the top of her head, I sighed.

"I'm so sorry." I muttered.

"Luke, this is the fifth time you've apologized. It's not your fault. That's why they call it an accident. And besides, I'm okay see?" She motioned to her skinny little body and smiled.

"Yeah I just can't help but feel guilty." I answered her, looking out the window at the leaves blowing everywhere. She leaned up and placed a soft kiss on my jaw.

"Well you shouldn't be sorry." She said quietly.

I smiled and rested my head on the back of the couch, my arm still wrapped around Paige.

"I didn't want to die. The one time I could have died, I actually wanted to live. The only thing on my mind was you." She whispered, leaning up to take a sip of water.

"Love you so much." I muttered, leaning in and locking my lips to hers. Our mouths moved in sync, but I refused to allow it to get heated. I didn't want it to turn it into something more, and hurt her again. When she pulled away, she rested her head on my forehead.

"Let's go somewhere." She said softly, with her warm breath on my lips. My eyes fluttered open.

"Where?" I asked.

"Let's just drive and see where it takes us." She smirked slightly as I thought back to our first date.

"Sounds perfect." I answered, grabbing her hand and walking out into the car.


"So you know everything about me, Luke. But you still haven't told me about your childhood." She said as we drove along. I raised my eyebrow and laughed.

"Paige, you just made it seem like some kind of first date." She shrugged her shoulders and motioned for me to go on.

"Well," I said slowly "I have two brothers but they're all off to college. When I still lived with them, they were the meanest pieces of shit ever. But they're okay now. I guess they grew out if it." Paige smiled and nodded her head.

"And my step dad is obsessed with his work." I said with a disgusted laugh. She looked over at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Probably doesn't even know my birthday." I added, shaking my head. I stared at the road and looked for a place to go, but there was nothing good yet.

"How about your real dad?" She asked hesitantly. I but my lip and looked over at her.

"I think he's a drug dealer. Not really sure where he went. I don't remember him much."

"I feel like the worst person in the world." She whispered. I gave her a worried gaze.


"All I do is complain about my life, that I never stopped to care about yours. I'm here for you Luke. I'm so sorry." I smiled and shook my head.

"Don't be sorry. I'm perfectly fine." She gave me an unsure look, but in all honesty, I was fine. It didn't really affect me.

"I would tell you if I wasn't, Paige.
At this point in our relationship, I would tell you. I promise." She nodded and grabbed my hand. I could tell she still didn't believe me, but she let it go. For now.

"Luke we've been driving for way too long and I can't find anything," she whined, hitting her head against the head rest of the passenger seat. I smirked and pointed to the woods. She raised her eyebrows and sighed.

"The woods?" She asked. I shook my head and parked the car beside the trees.

"I'll show you. It's better than just trees." I led her to a small, private beach and sat down in the sand.

"Wow, who knew you could be so romantic." She smiled and sat beside me, looking at the clear, blue water.

"Let's go in." She said excitedly.

"No, remember, you can't do too much physical activity." She scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes.

"Eh, I'll be fine." She said, jumping up. I grabbed her arm and softly pulled her next to me as I stood up.

"I want my girlfriend alive." She rolled her eyes and sat down.

"Fine." She muttered through her smile. We sat down and looked back at the sun behind the clouds. I placed my arm around her shoulder as she leaned her head on mine. We sat there for what seemed like hours as we watched the sun slowly set.


"Hmm?" I looked over at her sparkling eyes.

"I don't feel-"

Her head suddenly fell to the ground.


No answer.

"PAIGE!" I screamed, picking her up and darting to my car.

There was still no response.

I placed Paige in the back seat and drove as quickly as I could to the emergency room.

A thousand thoughts were swarming through my head, I felt like I'd explode.

What if this was it? What if this was my fault? What if I never see her again? What if she's hurt? What if?

I could feel my body getting tense but I ignored it, because Paige would always be more important to me.

When I arrived at the hospital, I carried her bridal style and sprinted into the hospital. I was met with a tall man at the front desk.

"Sir, I can't get her to wake up." I looked a him with pleading eyes as he got on the phone and asked for a nurse. When he hung up, I gave him the information he needed as a nurse came and grabbed Paige. I placed her in their hands as they put her on a hospital bed.

"Wait, Can I come back there?" The nurse shook her head and gave me a sympathetic smile as two other doctors took Paige away.

"please, oh god, PAIGE! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!"

What if this was the last time I saw her again?

I couldn't let that happen.

"N-NO!" My body tensed up and I couldn't breathe.

I just wanted Paige.

The world around me began to spin as I tried to run after her. I couldn't see or think straight and I had no idea what was happening. Strong arms grabbed my shoulders and sat me down telling me to breathe and to count to ten, and all of the usually things I have to do when I have a panic attack.

When I was calm, I was left in the waiting room. I waited for hours until the nurse finally emerged.

"Is se okay?!" I asked, rushing up to her. The nurse sighed and led me to Paige's room. What I saw was heartbreaking.

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