Chapter 32

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Paige's POV

It was blurry, but I could see some form of light above me.

Was it the sun?

I widened my eyes as I realized that my vision wasn't changing. All I saw was blur.

"She's awake!" I heard a male voice say frantically.

I knew that voice.

That was Luke's voice. I felt a warm, strong hand grab mine and stroke my hair softly.

"Luke?" I whispered.

"I'm here baby. You're okay." He said softly. My breathing quickened as I began to panic.

"I- I can't see anything." I cried out, reaching out into the space in front of me.

"Shit." I heard him mutter as he let go of my hand.

"Nurse she can't see!" I could tell Luke was stressed out, it even sounded like he could have been crying. I looked around, reaching out for Luke, but all I could find was a chair beside me. I stood up, feeling my way around the room.

"Luke where are you?!" I cried out. Arms wrapped around my waist as I was caught with a familiar smell.


"Shh, listen to me Paige. You're gonna be okay. The nurse is coming. Lay down okay, love? It's okay." He whispered, laying me down on the bed.

"We were in a car accident right?" I whispered, holding his hand as he sat beside me.

"Yeah," he whispered "I'm so sorry. I should have paid attention to the road instead of your beautiful face." I forced a smile, but it was soon replaced by a frown.

"I still can't see anything." I said, panic running through me again.

I heard a door open as a sweet voice began to speak.

"Hello, Paige. I'm Shannen, your nurse. Can you tell me what you feel right now?" Luke let go of my hand slowly, giving the nurse space I assumed.

"My head hurts a lot. It's throbbing. And all I can see is a white blur. I can't see anything else." I muttered.

"Alright, the blindness could be temporary depending on which part of the brain got the most impact. Don't worry, sweetie. We're gonna take care of you okay? For now, you need rest." I nodded my head and smiled.

"Thank you." I said politely.

"Of course!" She said. I heard a door shut as Luke's hand grabbed mine.

"She's gone. I would get some sleep, Paige. Maybe you'll be able to see when you wake up." He said quietly.

"Okay" I muttered, "are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, just a couple scratches. Don't worry about me." He answered, placing a kiss on my forehead

"Goodnight, beautiful. Love you." He whispered, releasing his hands from my grip and sitting down in a chair.

"Love you too." I said.

I shut my eyes and began attempting to fall asleep.

But then something happened

And I couldn't explain it.

I just started shaking, and the worst part was, I couldn't cry for help. I couldn't see or speak. All I could do was hear. And feel. And what I heard was unbearable.

Luke was screaming and crying, yelling my name. This was the most he had ever cried and I could tell that he didn't know whether I'd make it through this or not. One word stuck out as the nurse tried to calm him down.


I was having a seizure, and I could do nothing but listen to my boyfriend fall apart right beside me.

And then I saw darkness. Everything went silent.


Is she gonna be okay?! I DONT KNOW MAN

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