Chapter 2: Have To Say Goodbye

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After the big battle on Earth, they had finally won. Astronema was defeated and Karone was saved. The Rangers returned to KO-35 to help the rebels, but when it came time to leave, Ashley felt like she was losing everything.

The two of them were walking along hand in hand. She felt her heart break when she stopped and looked into his handsome face. "I never thought I had to say goodbye," she told him sadly. He nodded his head slowly.

"I know," he answered.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" She asked.

Andros reached down and held her hands. "KO-35 is my home," he replied. Those words hit her heart like a jackhammer. She closed her eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat. She then looked at him sadly.

"W--Will I ever see you again?" She asked.

Andros kissed the top of her hands before pulling her into a hug. "I hope so," he replied. Ashley wrapped her arms around him and buried her head into his shoulder. "I love you so much," he murmured.

"I love you too," she answered.

Andros pulled back slightly and he kissed her deeply. Ashley wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. His hands slipped into her jacket like he had a couple of nights before. "Ashley," Carlos called. Andros pulled back and Ashley suddenly felt cold when his hands left the inside of her jacket. "Time to go," Carlos informed.

"I--I'll be there in a minute," Ashley answered.

Carlos nodded and he left them alone. "Megaship's waiting," Andros told her. Ashley nodded her head slowly.

"Is this how it's going to end? Hmm? We just kiss goodbye and that's it?" She asked.


"No, I get it, I understand."

Andros grabbed her arm and he had her face him. "You know that I had never thought of breaking up with you," he told her.

"How can this work then?" She asked.

"We'll communicate in everyway possible, until you graduate high school," he replied.

Ashley looked at him with a quizzical look. "What happens after I graduate?" She asked.

"You come out to KO-35," he replied.

Ashley smiled and she hugged him. Andros hugged her back and picked her up off the ground a bit. "Ashley," TJ called.

"You have to go," he told her.

Ashley nodded and she left.

As she walked up the ramp, she had to turn around and she saw the heartbroken look on his face. She took a deep breath and she pushed the button that closed the ramp. She stared out until the door was completely closed, then she walked back to the bridge.

Andros felt like he couldn't breathe as he watched the love of his life head back to Earth. "Andros," Kinwon called. Andros looked up and looked over at Kinwon. "Andros, Zhane, I want you to come to the banquet hall tonight," Kinwon informed.

"Why?" Andros asked.

"You will see, just come," Kinwon replied.

"We'll be there," Zhane answered.

Andros nodded his head slowly.


Ashley felt the lump rise in her throat as they left KO-35. " me when we're back to Earth," she instructed. Cassie nodded and watched as Ashley left the bridge.

Ashley went into her quarters and she let out a heavy sigh as she walked over to her bed. She laid down on it and she pulled Andros's pillow close to her. His scent filling her nose and she buried her head into the pillow as she cried herself to sleep.


Andros and Zhane arrived at the banquet hall with Karone behind them to see that pretty much everyone in the council there. That included Kinwon and Tykwa. "Andros, Zhane, come up here," Kinwon instructed. Andros and Zhane walked up to Kinwon. "If only your friends could stay longer, they could've received this honor as well," he added. Tykwa came forward with a box with two medals inside. "You both deserve this for your service to the universe, protecting it at all costs, and putting your lives on the line for everyone in the universe," Kinwon informed.

"We are all very proud of you," Tykwa put in.

Tykwa and Kinwon attached the medals to their jackets. "You were also promoted to Generals of KO-35 and I would like one of you to be a Representative," Kinwon informed. Andros took a deep breath.

"I'll do it," he informed.

"Good, good," Kinwon answered.

He and Tykwa stepped back and everyone in the room clapped for their new Generals. Karone walked up and she hugged Andros tight. "I'm so happy for you," she told him. Andros smiled and hugged Karone back.


Ashley was laying on her bed staring at he far wall while her parents were talking.

"Caroline, this isn't healthy for her," her father informed. Her mother was walking around the room slowly. "She's done nothing but mope around since she came home," he added.

"Greg, she's heartbroken. Give her a little space she'll come around," Caroline answered.

Greg sighed and shook his head. "She wasn't this heartbroken when she and Jeff broke up," he pointed out. Caroline sat across from him.

"She's still in love with that boy," she answered.

"He's an alien. She shouldn't be that heartbroken about him."

"It didn't matter to her. He made her happy. Hadn't you noticed that when she and Andros first started dating that she was so much happier?"

"Then his mothership came back to get him."

Before another word could come out of either of their mouths, they heard Ashley's bedroom door open and close. "Hey, sweetheart," her mother greeted. Ashley didn't answer, she sat next to her mom. Greg got up and left. "Do you want something, sweetie?" She asked. A tear fell down Ashley's face.

"Could you hold me?" Ashley asked.

Ashley placed her head on her mother's lap and her mother stroked her hair. "It's okay, sweetheart, it's going to be okay," Caroline assured her. She kissed the side of Ashley's head and just stroked her hair, like she always did when Ashley was a child when she came home from elementary school and was having a bad day. Caroline would sit right down on the couch and have Ashley place her head in her lap and she'll stroke her hair until Ashley was asleep. She hummed Ashley's favorite song to try to calm Ashley down and have her fall asleep again. Ashley felt relaxed as she closed her eyes and finally fell asleep.

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