Chapter 5: Running Away

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A week went by and Ashley was coming home early everyday after school to check the mail. She wanted to get out of this house, she had to. Her parents were already talking to social services about taking her baby away. It was breaking her heart so badly that she thought she was dying.

One day, Ashley came home and she grabbed the mail. "Ashley Hammond," she read. She opened it and smiled. It was her plane ticket. She placed a hand on her stomach. "A flight leaves tonight, sweetie. We can leave tonight," she whispered. She hurried upstairs and went to get her things together. She grabbed her phone and called Kimberly.

"Hello," a little voice answered.

Ashley smiled. "Nathan, is mommy there?" She asked.

"Uh huh," he replied.

"Can Auntie Ashley talk to her?"

"Uh huh. MOMMY!"

Ashley held the phone back with a small laugh. Kimberly laughed when she got on the phone. "Hello," Kimberly answered.

"I got your ticket," Ashley informed.

"Great, when's your flight leaving?"

"There's a plane leaving at ten o'clock."

"What flight?"

"Flight 251."

"I'll be there to get you."
"Thank you so much Kimberly."

"No problem."

Ashley hung up and she placed a hand on her stomach with a smile. She then packed her things.


Ashley peeked out her door and saw her parents sitting in the living room looking over some social services stuff. "This family seems nice," Caroline commented. Greg nodded. Ashley closed her door and the tears fell down her face as she thought about her parents finding people to force her to give her baby to. She left a note by her bed and she walked over to her window. She threw her bags out the window first before she climbed down.

Once Ashley was out of the house, she grabbed her bag and she looked up when her ride came. "Ashley," Cassie called quietly. Ashley hurried over to Cassie's car and threw her things in the backseat. "Ready?" Cassie asked.

"Yep," she replied.

Ashley got in the car and Cassie drove her to the airport.

(Angel Grove Airport)

Ashley stood at the gate and she looked at Cassie. "Thank you so much," Ashley told her. She embraced her best friend and both girls hugged each other tight.

"You just take care of yourself and that baby," Cassie answered.

"Right," Ashley agreed.

"Flight 251 is now boarding," the announcer announced.

Ashley pulled back and she wiped the tears from her face. "I'll see you around, Ash," Cassie told her. Ashley nodded.

"See ya, Cass," she answered.

Ashley then walked onto the plane and Cassie turned and walked away.

(On the Plane)

Ashley found her seat and she sat down. "Would you like anything miss?" The flight attendant asked.

"No thank you," Ashley replied.

The flight attendant walked by and Ashley pulled her necklace out from inside her shirt. She started playing with it like she has thousands of times before. She started humming "La Mer" again before she fell asleep.

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